Definitely not a date.

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Brick was sure it wasn't a date. It just couldn't be. His sworn enemy, Blossom, invited him to eat ice cream. 

It was out of nowhere. He and his brothers were walking to history class when Bubbles pushed her sister, Blossom, towards him. They all looked awkward, but still, Blossom talked:

- Are you free this Friday? - Obviously, the question shocked him. But after bickering with his brothers for a while, he decided to answer. 

- Yes, yes I am. Why do you wanna know?

- Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to eat ice cream with me this Friday at 4:00 pm so I can help you study.

That shocked him even more! While a part of him wanted to go, she was his enemy after all, he couldn't accept. Even if she was really funny. Even if her smile made his day. Even if he loved her. He just couldn't. 

But, surprisingly, he did. Immediately, he forced his brothers to skip class. Brick couldn't see her. He was doubting everything about him. Even worse, his brothers were making fun of him. 

But he was sure of something. 

It wasn't a date. 

At least not yet.


They are 14. 

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