Chapter 4: A Morning of Connections

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The soft glow of dawn painted the room as Jake roused David from his slumber. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm hue over the remnants of dreams. Jake, the perpetual early riser, moved about the familiar space of the house that held both memories and the promise of a new day.

With a gentle tap on David's shoulder, Jake uttered, "Rise and shine, my friend. Today's a new chapter waiting to be written."

David stirred, his eyes adjusting to the morning light. A yawn escaped him as he acknowledged Jake's presence. "What time is it?"

"Time to embrace the day," Jake replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He navigated to the kitchen, the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee soon permeating the air. It was a routine they'd mastered over the years – the comforting rhythm of shared mornings.

As the aroma of coffee filled the room, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their tranquil routine. David, still in the haze of morning, opened the door to find his siblings standing on the threshold. Sarah, with her eyes that mirrored David's, held a sketchbook in her hands. Alex, the older brother, flashed a warm smile, his expression a mix of excitement and concern.

"Morning, little brother," Sarah greeted, her voice carrying a gentle melody. "We heard college is starting soon, thought we'd drop by and see how you're doing."

David, though still half-asleep, felt a surge of warmth at the unexpected visit. Jake, with two cups of coffee in hand, joined the gathering.

"Looks like it's a family reunion," Jake teased, handing a cup to Alex.

The siblings gathered in the living room, their laughter mingling with the aroma of coffee. Sarah shared sketches of her latest architectural designs, while Alex talked animatedly about his aspirations at B-Drug. The house, once a haven for the family that had now transformed into a shared space, resonated with the echoes of their shared history.

As the morning unfolded, David realized that amidst the transitions and uncertainties, the constants in his life – Jake, Sarah, and Alex – were the anchors that held him steady. The impending start of college brought a mix of nerves and excitement, but the warmth of family and friendship fortified him against the winds of change.

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