Chapter 20: Fractured Bonds

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Days had passed, and Jake was finally back at school, though still forbidden from playing rugby due to his injury. Despite this, he was slowly finding his footing again. He made new friends, Jess and Arnold, and their lively energy helped Jake re-engage with the social life he'd missed. Jake's recovery brought him back into the flow of life, but for David, things were different.

David was struggling. Though Abigail had been there for him, offering comfort and peace, Emily still haunted his thoughts. He longed for Emily, yet he knew he needed to live in the present. As he spent more time with Abigail, he appreciated her warmth and kindness, but his heart remained tied to Emily, the girl who had left without a word.

Watching Jake thrive with his new friends stung a little. There were times when David felt like he had pushed Jake away, and seeing Jake happy without him made David feel lonelier than ever. He couldn't help but think that Jake deserved better—better than a friend like him, someone who couldn't even let go of a girl who left him behind. The guilt weighed heavily on him, adding to the sadness that was already consuming him.

This emotional turmoil started to affect his studies. David, once a top-performing student, saw his grades plummet. The guy who once aced every test now barely scraped through his classes. Failing papers, low grades, and constant warnings from his professors became part of his daily routine.

Abigail, noticing his downward spiral, decided to step in. "David, you need to focus," she said one day, her voice firm but caring. "I'm going to help you get back on track. You can't let this drag you down any further."

David nodded, thankful for her concern. Soon, they began studying together. Abigail would come over to his house, spending hours going over lessons and helping him catch up. Though she was there to tutor him, there was something comforting about her presence. Slowly, his grades started to improve, though his heart still remained broken.

However, Jake wasn't too thrilled about Abigail's closeness to David. One evening, after school, Jake pulled David aside. "Listen, David," he began, his tone serious, "I don't know what's going on between you and Abigail, but I'm telling you now—stay away from her."

David was taken aback by the warning. "What do you mean, Jake? She's just helping me with my studies."

Jake's eyes narrowed. "It's not about the studies, David. Just... don't get too close. Trust me on this."

David frowned, not understanding Jake's frustration. "She's a friend, Jake. That's it. You've got new friends now. What's the problem?"

Jake clenched his jaw but said nothing more. He turned and walked away, leaving David standing there, confused and irritated. The tension between them was thick, and for the first time, David felt a rift growing between him and his best friend.

Despite Jake's warning, David continued to spend time with Abigail. Their bond grew stronger, but in the back of his mind, he couldn't shake off the feeling that his relationship with Jake was changing—and not for the better.

David's inner conflict only deepened. He cared about Jake, but after everything they had been through, the friendship seemed different now. With Abigail's support, David started to get back on his feet academically, but emotionally, the storm inside him was far from over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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