CHAPTER FOUR this isn't so bad

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I woke up just as the sun was rising and leaving pale strips of light across Mary's room. i checked my ipod's clock as i unplugged it from charging over night.
6am. the bus going from countryside to city would be leaving in an hour.
"Look alive sunshine." i whispered and shook my skinny, purple haired friend.
"I'm up! drugs gimme drugs!" Mary laughed sleepily and rolled out of bed.
"Can you give me a ride to the bus stop?" i asked quietly so as not to wake her sleeping parents, after grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen.
"Of course friend." Mary sighed and walked out to her car with me.
I smiled a wordless thank you and got in the passenger seat. if i'd tried to speak all that would have come out would have been heartbroken sobs.
Mary seemed to understand this and didn't try to talk to me or even cheer me up with my favorite music.
"Now Angie you remember, if anything happens go to the nearest starbucks and e-mail me your location. My e-mails are now programmed to have the most urgent notifications especially if they're from you." she said and hugged me while holding back a waterfall of tears.
"O-okay." I nodded, hearing my own voice crack.
Mary got into her car without another word and waived goodbye before turning and driving home.
"Just me and my thoughts now." i muttered and let one, maybe two teardrops fall and splash on my red converse.
For another nearly forty-five minutes i sat there alone in the blazing sun and waited for the bus to come down this road. finally i heard the far off welcoming rumble of its engine.
When it arrived i payed the fair to get into the city and took a seat alone all they way in the back.
On our way there the driver picked up a little girl and her mother who took the only seat left. the seat right in front of me.
"Mommy, why is the girl crying? where is her mommy?" i heard the little girl asked after i noticed her stealing glances at me.
"Hush Gracie, sometimes big girls go places without their mom's. and as for why is she crying i-" i interrupted their poor excuse for whispering.
"Ma'am i'm just taking a ride into the city. and i'm crying because i had to say goodbye to the only friend i've ever had." i said and nodded curtly before looking back out the window and adjusting my beanie on my head.
I thought i heard them talking again but i decided not to eavesdrop this time.

A few minutes later i woke up with a start as the bus stopped and a harsh bell rang. "ALL THOSE WHO'S DESTINATION IS THE CITY PARK PLEASE MAKE YOUR DEPARTURE." the driver's voice sounded over the speakers. without a word i slipped my backpack onto my back and pushed through the seeming river of people until i walked out the door of the bus and felt my feet hit concrete.
"Well, this is my "home now." i sighed and started walking. not really having anywhere in particular to go.
'Oh. starbucks! Mary'll want me to e-mail her now that i'm here.' I thought.
Only, i had no idea where anything was in this city.
So for a few minutes i stood back on the sidewalk looking very confused.
"Excuse me sir, can you tell me where to find the nearest starbucks?" i asked a tall man in a suit who was walking by.
"Straight down mainstreet second building on the left you cant miss it." He said.
"Thank you!" i called over my shoulder as i turned and started running down the sidewalk of what i hoped was mainstreet. it must have been because i looked across the street to the left side and there was starbucks. complete with a big glowing green circle logo on the front. i pressed the button on the little cross walk light then waited for it to change signaling to the fast passing busses and various cars that i needed to get across.
Once across the street i ordered the cheapest coffee they offered and sat down in a corner with my ipod plugged in so i would not loose battery as i e-mailed Mary.

'Hey Mary, it's Angie. i made it into the city about half an hour ago. i figured i would e-mail and let you know i arrived. if anything big happens you'll see on the news or i'll message you. Stay well, stay punk and never let them bring you down.
Yours, Angie.'
Sent from my Ipod.

Was all that it read. i would have written more but i did not think it necessary.
After i finished my coffee i put my ipod into airplane mode and turned the brightness and volume down to save battery.
'Unless my first night will be on the streets i better find where the homeless shelter is.' i thought as i stepped back outside into the heat of the city.
"Excuse me um ma'am, do you know where the nearest homeless shelter is? i uh, i have some things to donate." I asked. instantly i felt guilty about lying that i had a donation but since it was my first day i didn't think she would believe that i was homeless.
"Oh yes i.. its all the way down town past the Mc,Donalds. small brick building easy to miss so keep your eye out." She said in a very annoyingly high pitched voice.
"Alright thank you ma'am." i said quietly and turned to a sign with a map. after running over how to get downtown in my head i crossed the street an turned a corner.
On the way i had expected to see many strange things but there really was nothing. Nobody shouted at me either.
'Maybe this isn't so bad..' i thought and stopped at a crosswalk turning my head every which way looking for the little brick building.

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