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Its been almost two years since i left for a homeless life in the city.
And let me tell you its not as bad as it seems but it sure isn't anything nice.
I like to call it my little spot between heaven and hell.
I don't get hardly enough to eat so the only thing thats changed is my hair has grown out and the black dye has faded.
Its long and blonde again.
Every day i go down to the subway station with Maurice, Bill, Peter and Catherine. They play instruments and I sing.
We don't always make much but i've over time been able to afford a sleeping bag and a little cart to carry my things in.
I've still only got the clothes i packed which by now are tattered and dirty but they still fit me given that i haven't grown much.
Mary finished school last year and comes up to the city every few months to see me.
Last time she came she brought her girlfriend. i'm really happy for her but i can't remember the last time i felt loved so naturally, i'm a little jealous.
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention the neighborhood brutes.
Nobody bothers to learn the names of these two so i choose to call the tall dark one 'stupid' and the skinny pale one 'assbut'. yeah they think its real funny to pick on anyone in the streets who isn't rich and athletic like them.
I have only been in one "fight" with them myself but word gets around and they're sure as hell on my death list. right up there with old Tom.


Sirens started blaring and cars were louder again which woke me up pretty quickly.
I crawled out from underneath the dumpster i'd slept under then rolled my sleeping bag up and stuck it in my little cart.
"One, two, three....." i counted my money to make sure i had enough to cover breakfast for everyone at the subway station.
It was my turn to buy food today.
So after making sure i had enough i ran to a little coffee shop and got coffee and cookies then shoved them in my cart and headed for the subway station.

"Aye there she is!"
"Good morning Angie."
Some of my friends called.
"Hey guys. i brought food." i said and smiled a little as i walked over to the bench then proceeded to hand out the cookies and coffee.

"I have a list of songs we can do today. and hopefully the regular listeners will have some requests and extra cash."
Maurice chuckled and picked up his guitar as the station started filling with people...
We played on and off for nearly six hours but by now the station was pretty empty and there weren't many people.
"Well i think its time to call it a day." i sighed after we finished 'Carry On My Wayward Son'.
"Sounds good with me." Catherine nodded and started dividing the cash between the five of us.
"Thanks guys." i smiled faintly and tucked the money in my cart as i stood up.
"See you tomorrow."
I called over my shoulder and walked back above ground.
It would be getting dark soon and i was starving so i started heading in the direction of street vendors and pizza places.

After paying for a slice of pizza i sat down on a bench to eat.
Halfway through my "meal" something caught my eye.
A tall boy with blonde hair was standing at a stop sign across the street.
He had on a dark blue polo shirt and khaki cargo shorts.
"Why do i feel like i've seen him before?" i muttered as i stood up and threw my trash away.
Just to see what would happen i grabbed my cart and walked across the street.
Not necessarily walking towards him but close enough to look at him.
I'd definitely seen him before but i simply could not remember where.
He didn't seem to know me though.
The boy didn't even glance at me.
So i picked up my pace and kept going.
It was almost dark now so i turned down an alley and started to set up a place to sleep.
Then i heard voices and the sound if running feet.
Before i could turn around or even look up, somebody's hand gripped the back of my hoodie and pulled me into standing position.
"You again!?" i spat when i saw who it was.
It was the two boys, notorious for beating the shit out of people.
"What do you mean again? i've never seen something as ugly as you in my life!" the pale one sneered and punched me hard in the jaw.
Before i could react he jumped back and his friend's knee slammed into my stomach.
I swung out to hit him but he caught my arm and pulled me down so my nose hit his knee and started bleeding.
"Its not much but she's a fun one." i heard the pale one sneer as he slammed me against the brick alley wall.
What happened next i couldn't tell you because i passed out before they were out of my sight.

"Are you okay?" my eyes fluttered open again.
I had moved.
Who touched me?
I was leaning against the wall of the alley covered by my sleeping bag.
"What? who are you?" i groaned and looked up.
It was the tall blonde boy i'd seen on the street corner.
"Did you fucking follow me?" i asked and tried to stand up but i think the two brutes had hit me while i was unconscious because trying to move at all hurt too much.
"I happened to be walking past this alley and saw you getting beat up. are you okay?" He replied and sat down next to me.
"Thats great who are you? is my stuff okay?" i muttered and looked around for my cart.
"The name's Charlie and yeah that little cart? nothing seems to have been disturbed." he replied.

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