S1~04: Walk in the Lonely Night

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~ Tokyo - Chuohku - Amemura Laboratory || 6 Years Ago - Night ~

"Amemura-kun, what's up?" 8-year-old Artemis asked, turning to face a Ramuda in white hospital clothes, who came up to her out of the blue. "I only have a minute; I have a meeting to attend."

The two were standing in a dark hallway with dim lights casting down at them. There were cubical tubs lined up against the walls with medical liquid filled up, keeping freezing corpes inside in their best state. And what's better than putting the corpses into a deep sleep until they awaken?

"Nothing too important." The Ramuda said, cheerfully, sticking his tongue out at her. "We were all just wondering, that's all. And they dared me to ask you 'cause I'm the youngest."

Artemis tilted her head, slightly. A silent signal for him to go and ask what's on his and all his brothers' minds.

Ramuda tilted his head, mimicking the girl. "Artemis-saaaaaaaaan! You keep calling all of us, 'Amemura-kun'!" He exclaimed, as if she had committed a crime. "But you only call the 30th brother, 'Ramuda'." He pouted at her. "What's up with that preferential treatment? No fair at all! Do you even recognise all of us?"

Artemis laughed, softly. "Is this what I'm hearing?" She walked up to the pouting pink-purple-haired gremlin and petted him, earning a surprise look from him. "Then... Since you are #40, your name will officially be Amemura Mu." She stated. "How does that sound?"

'Mu's' eyes had a small spark for a second, feeling something inside him he couldn't quite comprehend.

"Ramuda gets to be special because he's a little difficult and doesn't ever listen when he's told." Artemis explained, smiling to herself at a memory with the grouchy gremlin. "It's like when you call someone with their full name when you're angry at them!"

Mu grinned and suddenly took off. "Then I won't listen to you ever again!" He declared, his voice bouncing off the marbled walls.

Artemis chased after him. "Mu-chan, get back here!"



~ Hoshiko Productions - Stone Mansion - Living Room || Present - Night ~

After a very long, exhausting, nonstop day of work, the gentlemen close to Artemis decided to relax in the living room of the Stone Family's mansion, with food and drinks. Since Shawn wanted to avoid getting drunk, he was limited to two bottles of beer, Mika was technically still underage so he settled with coffee, while Steven was having green tea.

Even though it was a mansion, the living room the trio were occupying has a connected kitchen. The right wall and the front wall had body mirrors, the beige curtains opened, allowing the Hoshiko Productions' structures to be seen. The kitchen floor was built with ruby oak wood, polished and waxed, as it was also occupying half of the floor.

The kitchen has a table of eight soft chairs with a fairy-like chandelier on top, the other end having the usual things; a fridge in the wall; an oven; a microwave; cupboards everywhere, containing plates, pots and pans, cups and other supplies; drawers around the stove, containing utilities and lights in the ceiling.

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