Chapter One: New Beginnings

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Melody was incredibly nervous to be starting at the Ever After Academy. She had heard a great deal of things about the Academy simply because – who didn't? Anyone who was everyone came here if they were part of a fairytale. The halls were filled with various prodigies and legacies; herself included.

This was the first time she had ever been away from her parents, let alone be away from home, or Atlantica too. This was a whole new world for her and she had every reason to be equally as excited as she was nervous and afraid. A million thoughts crossed that pretty little head of hers. What if they don't like me? What if I don't fit in?What if I don't fit in? What if I don't get good grades? She was quick to shake those thoughts away from that pretty little head of hers as she instead tried to focus on the current moment at hand. There was much to do and far little time to do it in. She was lost, to say the least. Standing at only 5"1 didn't help by any means and neither did being surrounded by her incredibly tall peers either. She swallowed hard before taking a breath.

I'm okay. She thought to herself only to nearly be knocked off her feet. Surely she would have fallen if it wasn't for being caught by – Her face flushed pink the moment her eyes met him. He was tall, dreamy, dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. "I-" She stuttered only for him to cut her off. "Watch where you're going." He advised as he helped her back onto her own two feet. "I uhm – thank you." She said as she then pushed her black curls away from her face. Before she could get in another word, the boy had already parted ways without another word as he disappeared amongst their peers that filled the very halls in which they stood.

Theodore hook did not think he would be bumping shoulders into anyone on the first day yet he had done exactly that. As he walked away, he couldn't help but wonder who exactly that girl was. He shook that thought away as he instead slid his hands in his pockets, thinking nothing more of it as he instead sought out his roommate, Gus LeGume, otherwise known as Gaston's son.

Who was that? She thought to herself as she blinked and then blinked again. Just as she managed to regain her composure she heard a familiar voice in the distance. "MELODYYY!!!" Melody then turned her head towards the direction she heard her name, a smile parted from her lips before she squealed. Her cousin, Aunt Arista's daughter was in her second year of Ever After Academy and oh was it a relief to see a familiar face. "Nerissa!" Melody replied as she then gave her cousin a hug equally as tight as Nerissas.

Nerissa smiled. "My, my look, you have grown!" She said as she then cupped Melodys cheeks. "You're adorable!! Oh the boys are going to flock to you!" She continued. Melody blinked and then blinked again before attempting to speak with squished cheeks. "Whahat?" She muttered just as Nerissa let go of her. "Don't worry about it. Anyways, have you gotten your dorm assignment yet?" She asked. Melody then nodded to her words before shuffling into her satchel only to hold out said paper to her cousin instead. Nerissa then took it, her blue eyes skimmed said paper only to hand it back to Melody. "Ah you're on the fourth floor of the Honor dorms. I'll show you where it is, c'mon–" She said before she then grabbed Melodys hand and began dragging her through the busy halls of the Ever After Academy.

The halls were filled with students from all kinds of fairy tales and walks of life. Evers and Nevers both as future heroes and villains alike filled the very halls they traveled in.


Melody did not bring much, therefore she did not have much to unpack. Which instead gave her more time to explore the Academy before the day was over.

She found herself at the Blue Lagoon that was located just outside the grounds of the main building of the Academy. With a sandy shore and wooden dock, the water was crystal clear to the extent she couldn't just see the various fish and sealife that lived below but she could see the coral covered bottom of said water. She smiled brightly as she then dove head first into the water. The very moment her entire body was submerged beneath the water she transformed from her human form to her mermaid form instead. A tail of shimmery purple and green replaced the two legs she once had as she began to explore the watery depths, entirely unaware that a face from just hours prior was not too far away at all.

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