Chapter Five: Playful Pancakes

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"Good morning Princess."  Theodore whispered into Melodys ear as he awoke. She stirred from her sleep as her legs were intertwined with his, her head nestled against his neck as she layed sprawled across his chest like a starfish. Theodore had one arm beneath her as the other carefully glided to her raven curls, half awake, he toyed with them.

"Mmm." Melody mumbled under her breath, her eyes still closed as she remained warm and comfortable beneath the sheets with him. A soft smile pulled at the corners of her lips as Theodore continued to admire her with tired eyes.

The couch wasn't the most comfortable of places to sleep. Especially when the box spring was old and worn out and he was wedged between the cushions and her. Though, as much as he hated to admit it...

He liked this, and he most certainly liked her.

Not that he would ever admit that, of course. His eyes rested on her. The soft rise and fall of her chest, the peaceful expression on her face the urge to — he shook that thought aside as he instead carefully brushed a couple loose Raven locks away from her face. His fingertips brushed against her soft skin just as her baby blue eyes opened.

Unexpectedly, he caught himself staring into those baby blue eyes of hers. His face reddened and he was quick to break his gaze from hers even as he felt her gaze remain on his. They were both silent. For what was for seconds, it felt like hours. He then cleared his throat, choosing to break the silence as his arm that was wrapped beneath was beginning to go numb as the sensation of pins and needles began to spread.

"Hungry?" He asked as he shifted just enough to look at her once more.

Melody sat up with a big smile, "Please??" She asked, "Pancakes?!"

"Pancakes?" He replied. "I can make pancakes if that's what you want."

"With chocolate chips?" She asked. "With chocolate chips." He replied as he then shifted to get up. Carefully he draped the blanket back over her as he made his way to the kitchen. His hair was a mess, prompting him to run his hand through it before he quietly began to brew some coffee. How was he going to explain to Gus that Melody spent the night? How would the other Nevers react if they saw her come out of their room at this hour? More importantly, how was he going to get her out of here unnoticed by them?
He would figure that out after he had his coffee. His eyes briefly towards Melody who seemed content and comfortable on the couch. He then turned back towards the coffee pot as he watched the dark brown liquid fill his cup. He truly loved the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. Theodore took a sip of said coffee before he put down his cup and began gathering everything he needed to make pancakes.

Before he knew it he was mixing the batter and while he did so, he froze the moment he felt petite arms wrap around him from behind. His eyes went wide and then softened as he slowly turned his head back to look only to see Melody looking up at him with a sweet smile.

"Would you like to help me?" He asked hesitantly to which she replied. "Mhm!!!" She chirped cheerily as she slipped her arms away from him and instead stood right in front of him between him and the bowl. "Here." He said as he handed her the whisk to stir the batter.

Theodore's gaze then drifted as he heard the door only to see Gus across the room, standing in his doorway disheveled and half awake, giving Theodore a 'why is she still here look.' To which Theodore gave him a 'go away we'll talk later' look.

"Want pancakes?" He asked as Gus closed his door to his bedroom, disappearing within it.

"Is he okay?" Melody asked. Theodore nodded. "He's fine, he's uh-" he paused to rub the back of his neck. "He's just not a morning person is all " Melody nodded. "Oh!!" She said, "My mother isn't either!" Theodore nodded. "Most people aren't," he commented just as she playfully flicked batter at him as a few drops landed on his face.

"I-" He stammered. "You!" He said as he then dipped his finger into the bowl and smeared some across her face playfully. "Theo!!" Melody giggled as the two playfully went back and forth. Eventually leading to Theodore chasing after Melody playfully as he then grabbed her wrist just before she almost slipped. He then pulled her towards him with one hand still on her wrist as the other slid around her lower back, almost dipping her unintentionally.

With their noses nearly touching their eyes met one another's. Melodys face flushed the same hue of pink as Theodore's as he held her like that there, just staring at her.

Kiss her. He thought to himself.

He then slowly began to lean in as if he was going to kiss her, but before their lips almost grazed one another the sound of sizzling butter caught him off guard. "I-" he stammered as he pulled away and helped her back up.

"We should uh.. finish those pancakes." He said. Melody nodded quietly as she continued to gaze at him. "We should." She said with a smile and with that, they did.

Theodore and Melody made more than enough extra- chocolatey chocolate chip pancakes for both them and Gus too, if he so chose to join them for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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