Chapter Two: An Unexpected Encounter

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Theodore Hook for some reason simply could not get Fish Brains out of that head of hers. For some reason, his thoughts circled back to her. All the time. Not just when he was bored, but right before he fell asleep, and right when he woke up too. For what reason, he really did not know. Everytime he looked at a spoon, she crossed his mind. Every time he walked past the Blue Lagoon – he thought of that day that he had there, with her. When class covered the topic of mermaids, he wondered how much if it was accurate to Melody given she was in fact part mermaid. He caught himself from time to time thinking about her. Small things like wondering how she was doing, or if she was thinking of him too. Here and there he would cross paths with her in the halls, or overlapping classes or even at the Dining Hall. Yet, he found himself watching from afar. Admiring her beauty from across the room. Just like he was not.

    Theodore had never once had feelings towards anyone before. He didn't even realize what he was experiencing was that the fuzzy feeling he felt when he thought about her was the fact he was potentially developing feelings for her. He knew it would never work. She was an Ever and he was a Never yet he couldn't help but wonder ...

    Cerulean eyes rested on Melody as he sat across the classroom from her. His seat was in the perfect position for him to be able to gaze at her from afar. Her desk was directly in front of hers on the opposite side of the classroom. Her gaze was down on her notebook as she continuously doodled little bubbles and crabs, entirely unaware of the way Theodore was watching her. Her curls perfectly framing her freckled face. At least, until her dear friend Abigail Darling, otherwise known as the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy caught her attention and whispered to her.

    "Mel, he's looking at you." She whispered, to which Melody picked up her head. Unsure who 'he' was at first. He who? Who would be looking at her of all people? Melody drifted her gaze at first to Abigail as she flashed a confused look in her direction. Abigail then lifted a single brow and gestured across the room straight towards Theodore Hook. Melodys eyes followed, her cheeks flushed pink as her baby blue eyes met Theodores. Both quickly looked away the very moment their eyes met. Melody instead looked back to Abigail with a bashful expression before she lifted a single hand to push her dark curls away from her face. "We'll talk about it later." She whispered back. Abigail lightly yet equally as playfully rolled her eyes before attempting to focus on her classwork instead.

    Theodore Hook on the other hand was incredibly flustered, and that in itself was an understatement. His hand covered his face, purposely hiding the newfound rosiness to them due to Melody catching him looking at her. A million thoughts crossed his mind as his heart began to race. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. Suddenly he was incredibly self aware of his heart beating against his ribcage. He swallowed hard only for him to glance in his roommates direction. None other than the Son of Gaston, Gus LeGume. It took everything in Gus to hush the signature chuckle that parted from his lips. His hand covered his mouth as he snickered only to lean forward and whisper in Theodores direction. "Oh my God I am never going to let this go.---" Theodore shot a death glare in Gus's direction. "Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about." Theodore replied, as annoyed as ever. Gus raised a brow as he instead crossed his arms and leaned forward from his desk. "Yeah, uh huh, okay." Gus teased followed with a sigh. Theodore rolled his eyes, visibly annoyed. "You are unbelievable." Gus then opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but was instead interrupted by their teacher.

    "I said no talking, unless you BOTH would like DETENTION, I suggest you close your mouths and focus on your work." He warned. In one single and swift motion, both Gus and Theodore got a hefty WACK to the back of the head. Both boys cringed in annoyance and muttered a single "ow" before turning back to their work as they were told to.

    Curiously, Melodys gaze rested on Theodore, her cheeks still the same hue of pink as she couldn't help but wonder what Gus and him were talking about. Only for the teacher to interrupt. With concerned eyes, her eyes met Theodores once more as she then mouthed the words "Are you okay?" Words in which Theodore subtly nodded to before his gaze drifted back to his work. Oh she is too cute...why does she have to be so cute with those big eyes and that button nose of hers? Why can't I get her out of my head? And she was so concerned about me too... Theodore thought to himself as he tried to take his focus off of her and instead onto Melody – no, not Melody, his work. He needed to focus on his work. Class was almost over and this worksheet needed to be done before then. Focus Theo, focus.

While Theodore was focused on his work. Melody's eyes lingered on him. He is so beautiful. I thought pirates were cruel and ruthless but – he's sweet. I wonder if he cherishes the spoon I gave him. Maybe I should give him another? How is he so cute even when he's focused? Melody thought to herself only to be interrupted by the DING of the bell that signaled that class was over.

Melody stood up and gathered her books just as the rest of her classmates did. However, what was to transpire next was completely unexpected. She was unaware that more eyes drifted to her during class than just Theodore Hooks. There was a group of Never boys who were snickering amongst themselves during class as they decided that Melody would be their next intended target. If she wasn't so fixated on Theodore, perhaps she would have noticed the sudden yet unexplained feeling of unease from within her.

Theodore cleared his throat as he hesitated for a moment, "H-hey Mel." He said as he then reached out to her just as she was about to leave the classroom. "How are you?" He then asked. What the hell am I doing? He thought to himself as Melody flashed him a smile. "Good! How are you?" She asked, Theodore awkwardly nodded, "Oh just fine." He said. "I actually–" He began to say, but before he could finish his sentence, Abigail Darling grabbed Melody's arm and budded into the conversation. "Mel! C'mon we are going to be late to our next class." She said as she then flashed a brief look in Theodores direction before she proceeded to pull Melody away gently by the arm.

Melodys gaze was still on Theodore even as she was pulled away, she mouthed the words "I'm sorry." As she left him standing there only to be pulled out of the class and into the hall.

Theodore let out a sigh as he was unable to finish what he was going to say, only to turn to Gus instead. "Come on." He said before the two boys proceeded to make their way to their next class.

Melody then turned to Abigail, "You interrupted him, that wasn't nice." She said softly as Abigail rolled her eyes. "Please, as if he had anything worth saying. He is a Never, you are an Ever, a ROYAL one at that... or did you forget that you are a literal Princess?" Abigail asked. "There are plenty of handsome Princes to fawn over....stay away from the Nevers.. They are bad news. You will only get hurt." She said with a sigh. Melody then glanced at Abigail before she instead looked down at her books. "I suppose you are right, but the Princes don't notice me." She mumbled as Abigail replied, "Okay miss mopy, we will continue this conversation later –" She said before she dipped into her class. Given Abigail was a second year, and Melody was a first year, they didn't have too many overlapping classes. Melody then continued down the Hallway as she made her way towards what was meant to be her free period to work on some class work but instead —-

A small smile tugged at the corners of Melody's lips. With her books in hand, she rounded the corner. Unexpectedly, she was grabbed quite aggressively not by one; but two boys. Her stack of books fell, papers scattered across the marble flooring as she fought back against them. One had a firm grip on her as he helped his accomplice drag her away from the main building and towards the Boathouse. The other had one arm firmly holding her in place as the other covered her mouth. Forcefully hushing any and all attempts at a cry for help. Defenseless, and equally as helpless. The two Never boys proceeded to drag Melody towards the boathouse.....


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