chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As we cast the spell we got a craving of engravement on our hands of a book and it disappeared.

Hudson: the book disappeared did we say it wrong

Kai: no the book is on our hand

Emma: so what does that mean

Kai: when we need the book all of us say our element and touch the book and it appears and if the book need's us it burns

Nova: say what burn's

Kai: not burn just a slight sting

Nova: ok well then good night

Everyone: good night

That night we all went to bed and when I fell asleep I had a dream of me running and couldn't stop.



Grace: ok everyone up time for breakfast

Nova: hi everyone good morning

Emma: hi morning the boy's left for a run they will be back soon

Nova: ok grate by the way tell me about yourself

Emma: well i have two brothers both full elves and am half and i have the element of water

Nova: nice

Emma: what about you

Kai: grate run man

Hudson: yeah next time am going to bet you

Emma: guys calm down were just talking about our self and element

Kai: like how Emma is and half elves

Emma: how do you know that

Kai: the ears our you were a pixie

Hudson: well me i am half harpies and i am an only child my element is fire

Kai: Kool i am half Centore i have one sister and my element is wind

Emma: SOOO

Nova: so what

Hudson: you know what about you

Nova: well i am an only child and my element is earth

Emma: and you half what

Nova: am dragon

Everyone: what!!!!!!!

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