chapter 8

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Chapter 8

What Emma heard

Vex: Luna get in here

Luna: yes sir

Vex: they haven't found the book yet

Luna: what do you mean

Vex: they haven't found it yet how comes

Luna: maybe the book haven't revel it self yet

Vex: put we need it the confluence is going to happen soon

Luna: sir i know and the book will appeared

Vex: for know send out the shadow to follow them

Luna: yes sir and but what about when they get home you know the shadow's can't get into there house

Vex: we just need them to follow them around when they are on campus

Luna: yes sir

Vex: i waited 200years for this confluence and with one protector down we just have seven left to change the course of history

Knock, knock

Emma: sir i think i left my phone

Vex: come in and get it

Emma: thank you sir bye sir

Vex: did you scan her mind did you think she heard

Luna: all i heard was cheerleading song's she is clean

Vex: good we have to be more careful

Emma: and that when i ran and got caught up with you

Nova: two hundred years, how old is that guy

Hudson: around two hundred years

Emma: but how can he leave for so long

Book starts to flip

Nova: what does it say

Kai: it's a black spell a were it takes your soul for immortal life until you achieve you gold

Emma: so who is he really and what's a confluence

Nova: that when the coming of the new moon and there is full moon for 6 months straight and on the last night the sun and moon stands together for 15 minutes until the sun goes down

Hudson: how do you know that

Nova: that's what i was reading about when you guy's got here, here is the book

As they sat down and read what I had read they could not believe what they saw. 

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