chapter 21

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Chapter 21

As I lay there cold in the snow my friends came and helped me.


Nova: were am i

Stanger: you must guest my name or your baby shall be mine

Stanger: no please don't take her

Nova: Who are you? Hi come back please where is this? A mountain that's where we are , and that book i for got about that book

Mrs. Brown: giver her space to breath

Nova: gasp

Mrs. Brown: giver her some room are you ok

Nova: yes miss

Mrs. Brown: sit up and drink this

Voice: Don't drink it

Nova: thanks


Nova: sorry i just feel so week can kai carry me back to my room please

Mrs. Brown: ok


Nova: something was in the water

Emma: you think someone is trying to kill us

Nova: not to kill but hurt

Hudson: who would want to hurt us

Kai: there trying to bring out the book

Emma: so if we get hurt the book will come out

Nova: yes and i know were the key is

Kai: ok well will find it tomorrow before we leave

Emma: hi Kim what's up

Kim: mark stood me up he got back with his girl friend

Emma: Hudson know it's your turn

Hudson: hi Kim how about we go get a cup of hot cocoa

Kim: i would love that

Kai: your so light like a baby

Nova: put me down know

Kai: got it am going to spy on them am going to give you guys the four one one

Emma: got it

Hudson's date

Hudson: so Kim what do you like to eat

Kim: this is your first date isn't it

Hudson: you can tell

Kim: how about we go and get a burger and coco at apple la cafe

Hudson: love that

That night they talked and laughed as the snow fell. 

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