where having what?

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We were in the car on our way to the doctor's office for my check up. Today we find out the gender of our baby, since l've been pregnant Stef has been there every step of the way. She's seen me through morning sickness, crying spells and my mood swings. She has been a real trooper
These last couple of months. The first trimester l was sick non stop couldn't hold anything down, by the time we reached fourth stage l thought it was over being sick
It seemed as if my morning sickness wouldn't let up for nothing the doctor had to prescribe something for the nausea and vomiting. I've put on a little bit of weight
I don't know how Stef can't stand the sight of me, she tells me everyday l'm beautiful
Sometimes l don't feel it l can barely get into any of clothes any longer. When we told our families we were expecting everyone called to congratulate us, none has heard from Nadia since the wedding
It's like she vanished. Mother tried to call
But didn't get a response, this is typical of my sister when things don't go her way Nadia shuts everybody out. Mom said not for me to worry about it, and just to focus on myself so that's what l been concentrating on. This is one active baby
Always constantly moving around, when l first felt our baby kick it was in the middle of the night we were both asleep, l started feeling little flutters it was the most amazing experience. When Stef felt it
She cried like a baby, we pulled up into the women's medical center. Stef turns off the car, she comes around to open the door for me to get out. I didn't start showing until sixteen weeks, my Ob said it was normal
Babe l feel huge Lena tells her wife. Sweetheart what did l tell you before
You're carrying our prince or princess in there. So stop worrying about how you look
in my eyes l see my sexy gorgeous wife
Let's go find out what we're having and then we can go to ruby Tuesdays for lunch
Stef says as we enter inside the building
I go up to the counter and get checked in
Dr. Bailey is running a little behind this morning Tanya informs me no problem
Lena says to the receptionist l walk over to go take my seat beside Stef who was reading a parenting magazine. Did you know the babies start to hear your movements at seventeen weeks and at six to seven months they can voices, cause lately l noticed you do a lot of reading stories to the baby Stef said, l remember when l used to teach third grade l would read to my students at the time Lena States
I didn't know you were a teacher. I always thought you were a head mistress at the school, the whole time we been together
I never knew that l'm learning more and more about you everyday Stef was shocked
I guess it never came up in the conversation. Just like your mom told me you played the piano all though elementary and middle school Lena wink her eye at her wife, oh that it wasn't nothing Stef tries to play it off as if was no big deal. Sharon said you were pretty good l hope one day l can you play something Lena stated, love l haven't played in years Stef states. The nurse came out and called my name, we got up from our seats and followed Joanna to the back. I removed my shoes and stepped up on to the scale, Joanna writes down my weight in my chart. I get down and slip my shoes back on, we head to an empty room
Lena takes a seat on the examing table
Joanna asks me basic questions like always My answers always remain the same she takes my temperature, and then blood pressure. Did my test results come back
When you did the amniocentesis the last time we were here you a lot of blood work
Lena inquires, Dr. Bailey will cover all your labs and everything when she comes in
Joanna explains. Stef sees l'm starting to become emotional, babe l know this is overwhelming for you so let's see what Dr. Bailey says when comes in Joanna is just only doing her job Stef tries to calm me down. Baby you know how l hate to be kept in the dark about things, what if something's wrong with our baby l don't know if l bear hearing any bad news. I've been doing everything right for the past six months. I gave up wine and even fried foods, which always seems to disagree with my stomach. Just the smell of it makes me sick, Lena begins to cry Stef knows Lena has been extremely emotional over the littlest things. Stef pulled Lena into her arms and whisper everything is going to be ok, Lena took some deep breaths she felt herself begining to calm down. Stef lean in and kiss Lena on the lips, suddenly there was knock on the door. Both women release, Dr. Bailey enters the room and greeted her favorite couple. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long she says to Stef and Lena, so how's everything been going since the last time l saw you Dr. Bailey asks
I think the medicine you gave me is helping with the nausea Lena States. Good l'm glad that, anymore changes have you experienced anything usual lately such as weird cravings, indigestion, tiredness
It's important you get as much rest as possible and make sure you drink enough water so you won't become dehydrated
It's beneficial in this stage in the pregnancy
You'll be happy to know all labs came back normal. There was nothing concerning on amio test, so today we're going to find out the gender am l correct Dr. Bailey asked
As she leaves the room to go get the equipment from next store. Lena was relieved to find out all her test results came back good, babe see l told you your labs were going to come back great Stef squeezed Lena's hand. God l love you
For keeping me grounded Lena kissed Stef's hand, that's what l'm here for Stef replied. Dr. Bailey came into the room pushing the ultrasound machine, it's show time ladies let's find out the gender of your baby the doctor said as Dr. Bailey gets everything setup Lena l'm going to put some gel on your belly so it might be a little cold Dr. Bailey places a cloth across Lena's lower half, then squirts some ultrasound gel on Lena's stomach. Dr. Bailey moves the wand around while looking at the screen
Lena kept her eyes glued to the monitor
Dr. Bailey continues moving the wand around in different directions then she sees three images pop up on the screen. Dr. Bailey looks closely, this is a first the older woman thinks to herself. Dr. Bailey is my baby okay Lena asks in a concern tone
Dr. Bailey doesn't respond to her patient  she wants to make sure what she's looking at is accurate before telling Lena and Stef the sex of there babies, Stef held Lena's hand for support. Well ladies you'll be happy to know you there are three separate   sacs, see here is baby A and there's B
Then C. You are having girl triplets which means you could deliver a little earlier
Lena you might wanna take you maternity
Soon cause as you progress in your pregnancy the babies are going to get bigger, you'll start to feel more pressure
Dr. Bailey explains. Lena was in tears
Stef wasn't sure if she heard Dr. Bailey correctly when she reveled they were expecting girl triplets, it wasn't just one baby. There were three babies, the blonde was speechless, Dr. Bailey knew her patients were in shock by the news
So she decided to print out four pictures of the babies. I know this is a major shock
It's not uncommon for a woman to have more than one baby, they have strong heart beats. in this particular situation we'll have to pro-form a cesarean due to the number of babies. we want take extra precaution to insure you have a healthy birth, you have to come see me every two weeks up until your due date. Since it's your first baby
Don't be alarm if the babies come at thirty seven weeks, l suggest you start shopping soon Dr. Bailey Stated as she wipes off the gel on Lena growing belly.

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