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703 words. Bruce's POV

I walked back into the meeting room so we could discuss the men's answers. 

"I learned that if we call the man called 'Blue' his real name-which I haven't found yet-he'd rip our faces off, and that Antonio banged his head against the table from boredom. What did you learn?" Fury asked.

"Well," Steve cleared his throat, "The taller man had an anxiety attack from seeing me and I had to go get his quiet friend. His friend insulted him till he calmed down and then the man pulled the quiet one into his lap. The man grumbled slightly but just sat there! I think he is really protective over him.  The taller man didn't beat me but he lasted longer than his friend in the other room. The one who sat on his lap beat me after a while! He has to be incredibly strong and his friend doesn't think he was injected with anything. The quiet man was also very aggressive."

Fury nodded his head. "Interesting. Barton?"

Clint smiled. "I learned that Blue doesn't touch electronics, can use almost any weapon we give him, will follow the other man anywhere and do whatever he asks, and if we make him an ally then he'll "go to hell and fight the devil". And pretty much the entire encounter he looked at me as if he could see through me. It was really creepy." He shivered. "Oh, and the other man tied with me! He said that he was his gang's top strategist."

Fury nodded his head and turned to Tony. "Stark?"

"I like Blue," Tony said smiling. "He seems like a good kid. He also seemed to like me more than Cap and Legolas. He answered both questions right. And apparently Antonio "knows math" so he didn't answer the questions."

"We'll have to ask him why later," Fury said. He turned to Natasha. "Ramanoff?"

"Blue didn't like me," she said simply. "Antonio is 27, Blue is between 17-19. His friend doesn't know a lot about him apparently and when I asked Blue how old he was he said, "I ain't telling you shit." He seems incredibly stubborn and ready to do whatever it takes if he doesn't want to do something. Antonio was with Red Blood for 15 years and Blue a little over a year. Antonio had a mother who died in a wreck and a father who died from cancer. He considers Blue and Nickolas family. Blue had a mother and when she was murdered he ripped off the offender's head. Antonio said he isn't much for killing and has killed about 10-15 people. Blue has killed "so many people that no one knows". Blue smiled like a child when he heard that Bruce was coming in."

Fury nodded. "I'll use that against him. Banner?"

I frowned at Fury. "You shouldn't do that. Anyway, I happen to like Blue. I'm pretty sure I made it onto some type of friend list. They are both healthy physically. Antonio has a bullet wound and a knife stab wound. He's broken his arm twice, his right foot, and four fingers on his left hand, and Antonio has been poisoned twice. He is diagnosed with ADHD as well. Blue's back looks like it has been whipped and he has a couple brands. His chest is riddled with stab wounds and bullet wounds. He has slashed going across his chest and I'm pretty sure someone impaled him with a spear or something.  Blue has been poisoned five times, has broken five ribs, both arms, his leg, all his fingers, his foot, and both hands, is diagnosed with ADD, dyslexia, PTSD and he's claustrophobic apparently. And that's since being with Red Blood. Antonio had fairly reasonable answers, but Blue's answers and reactions weren't what I hoped. The PTSD proves that he has an unwanted amount of trauma."

Fury seemed to take in the information before nodding. "I would like it if you gathered them in the training room. I'm going to put them through S.H.E.I.L.D training."

Before anyone could say anything Fury walked out of the door.

After a few minutes of silence Tony yelled, "The doctor and I dib getting Blue!"

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to their room.

I hope this goes well.

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