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Loki POV

I was sitting in the lounge room with the pesky humans, quietly reading. I've discovered that the doctors are my favorite. That surprised me more than anything because Stark was loud. And talked too much nonsense. But he was smart and seemed to be an acceptable mortal. 

Two of the gang members ran into the room, practically tripping over each other to get into the room first. 

"Yo!" the blonde doofus shouted. "We-"

The dark haired one elbowed him in the gut and the blonde grunted and bent over.

"It was Blue's idea!" 

"Yeah," the blonde gasped. "Blue's idea."

The dark haired one nodded. "Good."

He cleared his throat. "As Phil was saying, Blue had an idea."

"Well," the red haired assassin, Black Widow, said. "Get on with it."

Phil rolled his eyes. "Rose was getting there."

Rose nodded. "Yeah, I was. You guys should train with us in the gym."

Hawk man choked on air. "What? Why?"

Rose shrugged. "I'm bored."

Hawk man raised an eyebrow. "You want to train with superheroes because you're bored?"

Rose looked at him for a couple seconds as if he were unintelligent and then said, "Yes."

Hawk man shrugged and stood up, cracking his back. "Fine by me."

"Hurry up!"  Rose yelled at he ran towards the gym.

I sighed as I got up. At least I was getting free entertainment.

237 words. I kept it short because I'm itching to move this story along. Short chapters mean more chapters or more books! 😉

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