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Steve POV

I had gotten up at the same time that I do every morning for my jog when I heard some noise in the kitchen.

I wonder what that is? 

I walked to the kitchen door frame and saw the man called Blue cooking. Cooking!

He was making pancakes, bacon, toast, and eggs. Glasses of orange juice, coffee, water, and tea were on the counter. 

"Uh...What are you doing?" I asked nervously. I mentally face-palmed. His cooking, obviously!

"Cooking," he said. I frowned.

I hated the way he talked. It had no emotion behind it at all. It was unnerving especially when it came out of his young and scarred face.

"Oh," I said, nodding. "That's...nice?"

"Go on your jog," said Blue. I raised my eyebrows. That was blunt.

"Oh, uh-okay yeah, yeah," I said awkwardly, backing out of the kitchen and heading to the elevator. "I'll do that."


When I got back from my jog I saw Natasha, Bruce, Stark, the gangsters-minus Blue-, and Clint sitting at the table.

"Rogers!" Clint yelled. "Hurry, hurry! I'm hungry!"

I rolled my eyes. "Stop whining." I sat down in the open chair. "Why did I need to sit?"

"Blue wont give us food until everybody's sitting," Antonio chimed in.

I nodded. Blue walked out of the kitchen. He was holding three plates in each arm, one in each hand, and there was one on his head! He walked perfectly balanced and sat the plates down.

Clint reached out towards the food and Blue slapped his hand.

"Hey!" Clint yelped, rubbing his hand. 

"Don't eat," Blue grumbled.

Blue made up everyone a plate and then his own. He took out a lighter and set fire to half of his plate!

"What are you doing?!" Natasha shouted, throwing a knife at his hand.

The knife hit his hand, blood streaming down it. Blue growled and held his bleeding hand above the fire on his plate. He ripped out the knife, more blood oozing out. Blue blew out the fire, blood still dripping onto his plate and a bit of his food. Blue grabbed a fork with his unblooodied hand and started eating, ignoring the fact that he was eating his own blood too.

"Blue!" Stark yelled, grabbing the kid's hand. "We don't eat our blood!"

Blue stopped eating and sat there. "Sorry."

Stark shook his head. "Don't apologize to me kiddo. It's just not something you should do, okay?"

Blue nodded.

Stark turned to Natasha and glared. I was surprised that it was actually intimidating. 

"Romanoff," He said tensely, "don't you ever throw knives at him, or any of his friends, again."

Natasha cockily straightened up and crossed her arms. "Why?"

Stark took a deep breath. "I think you forget the things I have, and can, build. I also think you forget that I can control this tower. You have no idea the things I've set up in here. Tread very carefully, Agent."

Most of us were surprised. Did he just threaten an agent? 

Natasha just scoffed. "Whatever," she snarked, getting up. She turned to Blue. "Hope you bleed to death Ghost."

Blue rolled his eyes. "I'm regretting not killing your bitchy ass. You're a terrible assassin by the way. I could hear you coming from miles away, fucktard."

Natasha growled and put her hands on the table. "You interrupted my mission asshole!"

Blue smiled. "Yes," he said, his emotionless tone gone. "I did, didn't I?"

As she stormed off Blue laughed!

"Whoa!" Stark said, patting Blue's back. "What happened to Mr emotionless?"

Blue looked at Stark and shrugged. "Hawaii probably."

Nickolas chuckled. "I love it when he's like this."

"What do you mean, "like this", Nickolas?" I asked.

Nickolas scrunched his nose. "Don't call me that. Rose and I prefer the names we gave ourselves. I'm Phil now, okay?"

I nodded. "okay."

"Good. Blue's a sarcastic asshole when he wants to be. He's hilarious when he's insulting other people."

Blue nodded. "I am."

Rose snorted.

It's another short chapter, but I'm getting into something here. I also want ya'll to guess who I like and don't like. The way I write them makes it very clear 😉
657 words

Gangster meets AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now