Author interview

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Local Author Climbing the Amazon Best Seller Charts

2014's Lawrence County Walk of Excellence Nominee is still excelling.

Jennifer Nicole Johnson's ranking just keep climbing. After her sixth self-published book "Red Eyes" she has reached the top 100 in Amazon's Women's Poetry and Literary ranks.
Jennifer is originally from Mitchell, but currently resides in the Bedford Indiana area. She began writing at an early age and the passion has stuck with her. She published her first poem through a contest in and was included in "Stars of our Hearts". After graduating college that same year, she went on to publish her own work called "One Mind's Words". Her second book was created later in 2012 called "Our Journey" with her two step-daughters. She has since published "One Mind's Words II" and "Random Thoughts". She has also co-authored "The World as I See It" with her step-daughter and "Generations" with her aunt Sophia Frazier. She was nominated in the "Who's Who" of literary arts, is a member of the local Writer's Guild and has been nominated Indiana Emerging Authors. She and her aunt Sophia Frazier also participated in 2014's Lawrence County Walk of Excellence Banquet. She has also been featured in "Best Poets of 2012″ by Her works can be found on,,, and kindle devices.
Your real name and pen name?
No pen name. Real name Jennifer Nicole Johnson
What career did you plan during your education days?
I started out in Business Law, switched to biotechnology, and switched again to Business Administration in Human Resources. I graduated with a Technical Certificate and Associates in Business with several certificates in Biotechnology. I ended up following the career of Biotechnology and currently work as a Process Validation Engineer for a Pharmaceutical company.
What languages can you speak and write?
I only speak and write English. I took Spanish in High School and studied Italian before my trip to Italy, but none of it stuck very well.

What is your biggest source of inspiration in life?
Life, in general. The joys, the pains, and the life lessons we learn along the way. Inspiration comes from events in life that touch our hearts in positive and negative ways. Traumas that we have to live with as well as the joys of children and friends we meet on our journey. A true writer finds inspiration in the simplest of things and moments that some may not think twice about.

What hurts you most in this world?
I think what hurts me is the same things that hurt everyone in this world. Abuse, injustice, war, racism, and all the negative things that hurt the lives of everyone who deserves pure happiness.

If you had to live a day of your life as one of the living or dead personality, who would it be and why?
I would choose Emily Dickenson. She lived for her family and for a passion of writing. She thought beyond her times and beyond her surroundings. She dedicated herself to everyone but herself and in the end; ended up alone with only the words she had placed on paper. Her life was a battle of heart and mind. One's worst battle is within herself.
What is your favorite genre and why?
I enjoy poetry as it tells a story in a secretive way. I also enjoy anything true crime and paranormal because there is so much mystery to things in the world and why they happen that these things make you stop and think " What if it were me?"
When did you start writing? What is the purpose of your writing?
I began writing when I was about 14. I write to inspire others to follow their dreams as well as help them to relate to life experiences. I enjoy connecting with readers on a personal level. Perhaps there was a bad or good life experience that I had dealt with that the reader can relate to and know that they are not alone in their situations.
Which of your work has been published so far? Would you like to share a synopsis of your work?
All my books are available in paperback and kindle versions. So far I have published:
One Mind's Words= Poetry about life.
One Mind's Words II= More poetry about life.
Our Journey= Was written with my 2 step-daughters about how it feels to be a stepmother and a stepchild.
The World As I See It= A picture book I helped my youngest daughter publish.
Random Thoughts= Poems, Quotes, and things that people may wonder about but not talk about.
Generations= Poetry collected through generations of one family. Co- Written with Aunt Sophia Frazier.
Red Eyes= My latest poetry collection about love, loss, and how things are viewed as you get older in the journey we call life.

What are your forthcoming writings?
At this moment, my main focus is my career and my children, but I write something down every chance I get. I have notebooks full of unfinished ideas and poems that had to be put on paper before the moment passed. I hope to have my next book out before the end of 2015.

What keeps you motivating towards writing?
I don't write to make money. I could care less about that. I write because I want what I have to say to touch another's heart. I hope to inspire others to chase their dreams. I want to help someone know they are not alone in a bad situation. I simply want my words to touch others as I feel emotionally as I write those words.
If Writing a Book is taken as a project, What are the key essentials you take care of in Project Management?
Always make time for yourself and your passions. Writing and publishing take bravery because you always have some who will criticize you and you have to be able to handle that. You have to be able to keep going even if you think you might fail at it. It has to be a passion; not a job.
How do you plan, schedule and monitor your writing commitments?
I write when inspiration strikes me. I don't leave the house without a notebook and pen in my purse. You never know when your best ideas will hit you.

What genres you write in and why?
I write poetry, short stories, and blog ideas. I write down whatever seems to pop into my mind as something that I know I am not the only one who wonders about that topic. I know when it goes to print there will be someone out there who says" I 've wondered the same thing" or" I've felt the same way" and inspire them.

What are your future plans?
I plan to further my career and keep writing. You can have your cake and eat it too if you work hard enough.

What is generally your preference in reading - a paper book or eBook? And why?
I always have my face in a book when there isn't a pen in my hand. Although the feel of paper between the fingers is lovely I am also addicted to my kindle.

How much real life goes into fiction writing?
It depends on the book. I think a lot of my characters are pulled from those around me.
Is high level of imagination important to have for an Author?
I don't think so; just inspiration and a little creativity.

Your dream destination on Earth?
Everywhere!!!! I have had the opportunity to travel to different places since 2008. Every year I get to take a cruise with my sister in laws and some family and seeing different countries and cultures is absolutely amazing. I love seeing historical sites and being on the open waters.

Your origin of birth and other countries you have visited/ stayed. What best things you liked in these countries around the globe?
I was born in Indiana. I have had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans and meet Anne Rice and Alys Arden. I have also been to Cayman Islands, Australia, Jamaica, Mexico, Italy, Greece, Hawaii, Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Santorini.

Your favorite time of the day?
My thoughts flow best during an early morning, but I am most relaxed when the sun is setting and the moon is rising.
Your favorite book and why?
My favorite book is" A Child Called It" by Richard Pelzer because it took great bravery and strength to write what he did and publish it. His story comforts so many who have had his same experience.
What is the force that drives you?
Passion and life events. My friends, family, and fans. The people who tell me my words made them feel better or made a difference in their lives.

Last thing to do before sleep?

If one fine morning you wake up and find your sex changed to opposite, what will be your first reaction?
I would freak out. I love being me.

State your signature line/ tagline/ best quote:
If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. "Emily Dickinson"

The last line of your autobiography would be...
Through life's journey she strived to have it all and her heart was finally content.

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