Too Many Questions

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Trewn's Ringing echoed out when they arrived at ZYG's Home. Hannah placed Anchors above them to keep Trewn at bay. It was different than when Izzi was first here. This time the whole family was with her and the place looked a lot less barren. Blue Zygmyst hung in the air, making them appear to be walls. The space had fountains of Zygmyst forming tables, and chairs. Zygmyst fell from the ceiling to form the high back of a comfortable looking couch. They all awkwardly stood around waiting for ZYG who was nowhere to be seen. The stepped out each having their own and distinct opinion of what they were seeing.

Leslie was in paradise on ZYG. The blend of nature and technology was a mind-expanding experience for her. she explored and asked many questions.

For Robert it was unnerving to be off the planet but still have ground beneath his feet.

Katy was elated to be anywhere with her new husband. But never in a million years would she have guessed this.

They went quickly to, and into the mountain where ZYG was there waiting for them. "Welcome back children of earth. I'm pleased you brought guests. This way to the bounty room." He gestured to a hole that appeared in the wall. They walked into to a simple white marble room with a table and chairs that were made of the same material as the walls. The table was a simple table until closer inspection each seat had the same three buttons, labeled by three symbols one was a water droplet, the next a small bowl of fruit, the last was an empty circle.

"The first is for a drink the second is for food the last to empty your plate." He sat at the end of the table. He pressed his drink button and small fruit appeared on the table on front of him. He proceeded to rip the top off and took a small sip. "Press the buttons I'm excited to see what you all get" he was excited and it was infectious .

Renner pushed the drink button. As soon as he did there appeared in front of him a malted milkshake. Katy excitedly hit the food button. Before her was a platter of onion rings and coleslaw. They each hit what they wanted. And had lively conversation about the dishes explaining the origins and tastes of the drinks and food around them. ZYG the ever-gracious host was interested in the origins of the food explaining that while in their room ZYG can replicate tastes and smells that are at the forefront of consciousness.

"In other words, I can replicate it even though I have no Idea what was made. It's really a fun feature of living on ZYG." He made a circle gesture with his arms extended from the bottom up. When his arms were in the air a light music began to play. It's alien rhythms dancing around everyone's words. As if exemplifying and tying their thoughts together. Communication was easier. Words came to the forefront of thought that perfectly conveyed each drink and dish that rested in front of them.

"What about you ZYG. What are you going to do about the Earth's situation." Robert asked changing the flow of conversation while taking a bite of his meatball sub. The music shifted with it, a little grim, with just a chance of hope.

"When I was under, you know before you pulled those switches, I learned recently that I did that to myself." He gestured to Otto. "Do you have your clear rings?" Otto pulled them and put them on. When Otto's fingers came apart over his plate of lasagna, his father what ZYG really is. When he looked at ZYG through the periscope looked like every shade of Zygmyst took up the same space and time and were doing every conceivable action he could be credibly be doing.

Robert looked only a second then looked away. "That hurts my head." He said rubbing his eyes. "It looked like there was more than one of you. Just different colors." He tried explaining. Giving up immediately

"Yes, ZYG is an incorporated ultra-dimensional consciousness's. We exist alongside each other to aid in trans-dimensional affairs like this one." With that ZYG hit the empty plate button causing all his food and food remnants to disappear. "I am afraid I must first admit that a part of me, near the infrared dimensions, his a grasp on the other earth is a bid to grab at power. It would appear that with your deployment of the portal to another dimension was nearest the infrared. This gave the most power-hungry part of me a chance to impregnate your earth. That is why there is a force to take over on the other side it's Infra-ZYG grabbing for power. the more distinct the earth he makes it the more likely other Earth's will form in nearby dimensions this process once begun cannot be stopped and is in fact exponential. At critical mass all consciousness will be one putting an end to earth, and you, as you understand it."

"If he's a part of you then don't you know where he is and what he's up to?" Leslie asked

"Because we had just created a Genesis seed. Through which we can put ourselves into. And begin growing a zygtree anywhere. Infrazyg, took a chance by putting all the rest of us down, then disappearing into the seed and embedding him into earth. Colors near the infrared spectrum are poor colors for implementing portal to another part of the world. Best to stick with green." He raised his right hand and swept I across the right side of the room. Emerald green portals appeared around the room. Each one leading to a different part of ZYG.

Izzi pulled Hannah through the portal to the lake after they finished their fish and chips. Once there they began having magical time Exploring the depths.

Renner and Katy took to the forest where they rested in the canopy, with assorted fruits, for some alone time together.

Otto took his father on a walking tour around the island. They left the room chatting about the various stuff to do on ZYG.

Leslie had questions.

"How does this place work." She asked ZYG.

ZYG gave her a look of confusion. "Do you mean how does travel work atop the various biomes on ZYG?"

Leslie was surprised "yes for starters."

ZYG laughed, "when you traverse my many miles you are dimension traveling. Skipping across my many dimensions only to end up in the one you need to be in when you arrive at your desired location."

Leslie was not sure what to ask next.

ZYG walked over to the first portal. It showed a lake side beach with shady spots and sunny sand, large rocks populated an area of the beach where the ladies' cloths lay. "Izzi and Hannah are exploring a

vast living creature made of living oxygen. It's easier to swim through humans can breathe in it indefinitely, and there are often bright light shows around a kind of edible coral reef that open your eyes

to the dimensions around you."

ZYG walked to the next portal a lush forest with an expansive canopy with the low hanging fruit over a table and seating made of roots. "Every fruit in this forest, quenches thirst and hunger and any vegetables will provide help as you do complicated laborious tasks, making them easier and faster using vitamins not found on earth. There are friendly animals in the tree all around to provide you with company or you can give them simple tasks and they will happily help you with anything you need."

ZYG walked over to the next portal. This portal was filled with crystals of all colors. "Through this portal we can communicate across the dimensions. We use it to interact with the space beyond us. In fact, it has a unique feature that allows one to talk to anyone anywhere. It was damaged in the escape probably on purpose as it's a large part of our ability to communicate across the vast wasteland of space and even other dimensions.

ZYG walked back to the head of the table, and got himself another drink ripping the top off he said "Are there any other questions I can help you with?"

Leslie smiled "I must admit I was expecting you to be more mysterious?"

ZYG returned the smile "I do not wish to demean you in any way. There are questions that if asked I wouldn't be able to answer them, not because I don't want to but rather it's too deep in the sciences. A single consciousness cannot grasp the profundity. However, I am as open as I can be "

"What's it like being multiple beings?" she asked after she summoned a new cup of black coffee.

"It is unlike life." He said simply.

"Are they safe here..., my children?" she asked he heart in her throat

"The are as precious to me as they are to you if not more, their destiny lies in galactic salvation" ZYG clear his plate

"How do I make a portal permanent?" she asked.

He eyed her "now that..., that is exactly what the other Leslie wants are you sure you wish learn that?"

Leslie took a sip of coffee. Then took in a deep breath. "Good point, because we learned that if one dies the other gets the memories. It's good thing, to know you've got our back."

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