The Eye of the Storm

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Otto reappeared feeling better. "That was quite a hit" Hannah told him as he opened a portal all her metal holding infraZYG, she tossed it through the portal before it closed. "How is Renner?" Hannah asked.

"Alive and screaming. Looks like he might not have hands" Otto said morosely. "What are we doing Hannah were gonna die this is insane." Otto began to spin out, his mind going faster than he could speak. Panicking overtaking him. Hannah walked over to them and hugged him. Easing his anxiety and sadness little bit by little bit. When his breathing regulated, she looked at him in the eyes saying "I love you, Otto."

ZYG beamed them up.

Otto smiled "Let's go give our brother our support." They walked over to Izzi who was crying alone outside a door of a room ZYG had made for special medical circumstances in the lower half of the mountain. Renner was in there with Katy

"Are you going to be okay?" Hannah asked as she hugged her sister

"With you here I'll always feel better." Izzi wiped her tears off on Hannah's shoulder.

Hannah looked her in the eye just like her brother only Izzi said it with her "I love you, Izzi." This made them both giggle.

The door opened. Renner was on the table, vines holding his right arm. Where his right hand should be, was covered in a kind of loam.

"ZYG says my right hand might have exploded, Then I would have had no hands". He held up his left stump and wiggled it. Shocking Hannah

"He's wearing his wedding ring on his right hand from now on." Katy added forlornly

ZYG was standing in the back of the room they looked to him "That's the problem InfraZyg didn't destroy his hand now he destroyed it through all time he doesn't remember having a left hand, and he will never know or remember what it was like to have one, it seems that the curative you applied at the moment of obliteration... Hannah you saved his right hand."

"Excellent work" otto said hugging her.

To Hannah this meant more than normal. Two prides filled the Hannahs' everyone could feel the pride of their sister.

"You deserve a break after that." ZYG encouraged.

Hannah got a mischievous look on her face "Lets meet together at Home. We wish to show you something." Hannah told her siblings. Otto and Izzi nodded but Renner stuck out his right-hand thumb with a big grin. Hannah left the room.

Otto was the last one to show up at Home. Siting the need for food by carrying the backpack aloft and chewing on some of his nuts.

"Good I needed that" Renner said grabbing the bag from him. He put it on the ground in front of him and rustled around in there until he removed an intricate and hyper realistic prosthetic hand affixed it to his left hand as if he had done it every day of his life.

Hannah Created a long flat metal platform for them to stand, she motioned for them to climb on. She raised it and they flew gently over ZYG.

"This is incredible" Izzi shouted over the rushing wind.

"ZYG called me an angel, a human that has taken a step toward divinity by being beholden to another consciousness." She said as they stopped at the roof of ZYG. Otto reached out and touched the hardened sap that made glass at the top.

Everyone else was looking down where everything was laid bare below them. They could see the top of the mountain. It was filled with what looked like lava.

"I knew it was a volcano." Renner said looking over the side.

Izzi felt at feeling that the distance growing between her and her sister created. She worried. Hannah looked Izzi in her eyes. "You will always be my sister you and I are eternally intertwined. Not

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