𝟎𝟎𝟐. the mysterious beauty

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CHAPTER TWO, the mysterious beauty

CHAPTER TWO, the mysterious beauty

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"Miss Dowling?"

Maria has dreamt of this moment ever since she was a child and was carted away to France. But she has only dreaded it ever since she was in the carriage back in her way to Grosvenor Square. She's pictured this many times in her head, ran over different scenarios to see how it would play out.

She imagined the happy atmosphere around them, the two wide grins on their faces at seeing each other at last, wrap each other in the other's arms and squeeze for dear life like they would be parted just as quickly as she returned. It became a fantasy for years. She imagined it to be perfection. No odd entity or unusual occurrence getting in there way. No hard feelings, simply ones of gratitude and satisfaction.

But, as she turned her body around when she heard her name be called, she felt fright and all of those happy scenarios she ran numerous times in her mind became a distant memory. Her lips parted, her surprised expression matching is as her eyes met his and she felt her defenses crumble.

He was not the little boy she remembered causing havoc with in the Bridgerton manor. He grew into a young man with strikingly handsome features, a fit build and height the towered over hers drastically. He may have appeared very different on the outside, but she could still see the same bit she adored when they were younger. It was in his eyes. Those brown irises held a spark of creativity that now replaced little kid imagination and ambition. He held himself with poise and elegance.

Maria felt self-conscious. Compared to his elegant gentlemen looks and behavior, she was flimsy, shoulder's sagging as she messed around with her dress that posed a demeaning threat to her. She felt like she hadn't changed one bit, whilst he barely replicated the boy he once was.

She could see his own eyes analyzing her as well, perhaps to see if she changed at all. The other occupants of the ton around them became a background buzz and in this moment, all Benedict and Maria were focused on were each other. To childhood friends reconnected after many years.

"Benedic — Mr. Bridgerton." Maria corrected herself, remembering they were in a public place around the rest of the ton and that she was a lady in society now. Lady Danbury bit her ear off of how she must address all men besides her brother — and Simon was an exception — by their surname. Benedict's expression fell, hearing her not speak her name made him disappointed.

"Maria..." Benedict muttered, still in shock and not caring who overheard their private conversation that was in the middle of the room. He shook his head in astonishment. "You're back, I presume?" Benedict scolded himself internally for his choice of first words. His bubbling nerves overtook his mind from thinking of ways to show his happiness she was back in town.

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