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Brilliant white moonbeams shone in through the slight break in the drapery that lined the hotel's window.

Upon the vast, pillowy expanse of the coffin-shaped bed, Ericka stirred awake from her slumber. Her blue eyes flickered open, vision slowly coming into focus, though it was her nose that registered her surroundings first. The succulent aroma of something that was no-doubt delicious greeted her senses, akin to eggs and bacon and perhaps some fried scorpion though she couldn't be entirely sure. Regardless, it made her mouth water, and she sat up to catch a better whiff. The slight creak in the mattress springs caught the attention of the Count and his ever-keen hearing in the other room, and the man immediately rushed back to her vicinity, smiling warmly.

"Good morning, my sweet little tarantula," Dracula greeted lovingly. "How did you sleep?"

Ericka grinned and gave a shrug. "Good for the most part. Maybe even better if you had woken up beside me..."

A look of guilt came over Drac's features, and he rubbed an arm awkwardly. "Ah yes, I'm sorry my love. But hopefully this will make it up to you!" It was then that with a wave of his hand he conjured forth the source of the delicious smell. Indeed, it was a lavish breakfast – a stack of pancakes carefully arranged among scrambled eggs, deep fried scorpion, sausage, and bacon topped with Blood Beater syrup to form a smiley face with fangs.

Ericka couldn't help but giggle at the adorably crafted design and looked up at her husband appreciatively. "Aw, it looks great, honey. Thanks."

"Only the best for my lovely bride," he cooed, kissing the top of her head and scooting onto the bed beside her. Waving over a fork, he scooped up some of the contents and held it before her. "Alrighty," he sang out. "Here comes the Transylvania Express!" Making a train noise, Drac began to bring the fork forward.

Ericka rolled her eyes. "Come on, Drac, is that really necessary?"

Drac looked astonished. "Of course it's necessary to eat! How else are you going to keep your strength up, my love?"

"You know what I meant!" she replied with a laugh. "The baby-talk, Drac. I'm a full-grown woman, you know. And I can feed myself."

"Oh, I know that, sweetheart," he replied smoothly, "but how else am I going to prove to be Count Wonderful?"

Ericka smirked, grabbing the sausage on her plate and bringing it to her lips. "There's other ways..."

Drac's eyes widened as she bit down on the meat in a calculated manner. It was a simple motion, but something about the sudden heated look in her eye and the manner in which she kept her gaze steadfast to his as she did so made Drac's heart skip a beat.

"U-um... y-Yes! Of c-course there is," he stammered.

Ericka giggled, silently proud of her ability to fluster him so. She set down the sausage and opened her mouth. "Okay, I'm ready."

Drac blinked in surprise. "H-Huh?"

"For the food, silly," she said, gesturing to the forkful of pancake and egg still in his hand.

Drac let out a breath of relief and blushed. "Heh heh, I knew that." Straightening up, he easily got back into character, gushing over Ericka.

"Choo-choo! We're pulling into the station now, open wide!"

The tone was lighthearted and ridiculous, but Ericka allowed him to have his fun, obediently getting fed bite after bite until it was all done. She didn't complain as he daintily wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin when she was done. Or when he ran a warm bubble bath for them both afterwards, ensuring the temperature was just to her liking as she snuggled up against his broad chest. Or even when he carried her off to the bed again, laying the woman down and massaging the knots out of her body whilst he hummed a gentle tune, the lights dimmed to a sultry golden glow from the desktop candles.

A little over the top? Maybe. But Ericka loved every minute of her husband's efforts in pampering her. If he wanted to dote, then let him dote. Who was she to stop her zing?

A Thru Zing - A Drericka Oneshot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now