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A/N: Or, an exploration of Drac's thoughts during his first arrival on The Legacy


Dracula tried to be invested, but he found he just wasn't.

Sure, the ship was quite impressive in its grandeur, sleek modern designs, and amenities. But in truth, when it came down to it, it was in almost every way similar to the way his own hotel was. He saw no difference in the way the fishmen carried out their duties in the same way his zombie bellhops or witch maids did, or in the activities that were offered - like the swimming pool and lavish buffets - or in the entertainment provided, like music and special performances. He understood that he nor his friends had never been on a cruise before, but it was really starting to annoy him of how much everyone was gushing over it. He listened as Murray held up his brochure, gawking at everything aforementioned and eyeing the full-service spa.

"Woo!" he cried. "I'm gonna have to get me a seaweed re-wrap!"

Dracula rolled his eyes. "Oh wow," he said sarcastically. "It sounds like everything we can do... at our HOTEL."

"I know," Murray laughed out gleefully. "But it's on the water!"

The vampire suppressed a groan. On the water. Like that made all the difference! He was glad Mavis was several paces ahead of him. His daughter, as amazing as she was, had single-handedly put together the vacation with the purpose of having her father enjoy every bit of it, spending a week away from the turmoil of running Hotel Transylvania, making it live up to its five-stake rating by running everyone else's vacations. He didn't want to disagree with her and appreciated the effort, smiling politely and eager to spend more time with her at the very least. But, his lovely daughter didn't know his true feelings on the matter. The truth was, he enjoyed his work. If 'Dracula' was to ever be used in the same sentence as 'vacation' it would be because he was managing their holidays, not because he was actually taking one. Seeing his guests happy because of his doing and knowing that they would return always made his day. And, working also kept him distracted from other thoughts - ones he was finding harder to suppress as of late, and always felt awkward when he did entertain them. That desire to maybe, just maaaybe, find love again. He wouldn't dare think of what kind of way that would affect his daughter if she heard that he was going to be with someone other than her mother. So, he did what he did best, and kept it from her. Mavis would eventually find out - he didn't know how, or when - but he promised himself she would.

A loud burst and colorful splash in the sky drew Drac's attention upward where, above the deck, shone a myriad of fireworks on beautiful display. The monsters oooed and ahhhed, but Drac only scowled a bit more. He had yet to see anything marvelous to really capture his attention. What was so great about some measly fireworks?

"Ohhh, that's nice," Frank commented next to him, in awe of the show.

"Frank," Drac grumbled, "'fire bad,' remember?"

"Oh, yeah, right," the monolith agreed half-heartedly. Then he smiled. "But, uh, maybe you'll find your own fireworks on the cruise?"

Drac heaved a sigh, annoyed at the hopeful look on his friend's face. Once again, Frank - and not to mention his other friends Murray, Griffin, and Wayne - were attempting to fulfill their self-assigned mission of finding Drac a new zing. He knew it wasn't likely to be possible, so why even try?

"It's not the Love Boat, Frank," Drac countered. "I'm just here to have fun with my family." He relaxed his posture at the last statement, believing it himself. This vacation was uncalled for, thrust onto him when he least expected it, but, since he was here and not required to carry out his regular duties, he may as well make the most of it. He peered up with the new perception on his situation, actually starting to enjoy the sparkling fireworks, when a rush of air from behind the man startled him. Swooping in just inches above his head, a figure in white gracefully flew through the crowd and landed high up on the mast. They straightened, and Drac could now see it was a woman in a captain's uniform. She stood proudly and waved down at everyone.

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