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Mavis hummed in thought, tapping a finger against her chin as she looked between the two different sets of drapery that were being presented to her by the zombie bellhops. One was a rich red in color and the other was a deep shade of gray so dark it almost looked black. She tilted her head, looking at them this way and that, before nodding. "I'd say the red," she stated confidently, pointing at the drapes. But then she backtracked. "Wait, wait, wait, actually the black..." Mavis pointed to the other, but then frowned. "No, no, wait... ugh, Johnny, hon, what do you think?"

Johnny, who was about to dip his finger in the cake at the buffet table to get a taste of the frosting, paused and looked toward where his conflicted wife stood. "Why not use both?" he said. "I'm sure the Gremlinburgs will love it!"

"Okay," Mavis said, giving a thumbs-up to Porridge Head and Augustus. "Put them both up!"

The zombies groaned in reply and slowly limped away to do just that. Mavis let out a breath of relief, patting her husband on the shoulder. "Thanks, honey."

Johnny shrugged. "Hey, no problem, Maves. Sometimes you gotta just not overthink it."

"Yeah," she said, then furrowed her brows. "It's just... I want this all to go well. I know it's just another wedding, but Dad entrusted me to handle it."

"It'll be fine, Mavis," Johnny assured, giving her arm a loving squeeze. "He trusted us to handle it for a reason. He knows you can do it!"

Mavis giggled a little at his chipper attitude and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for your help with it too, Johnnystien."

"Hey, hey, that's what a party planner does!" Johnny replied, proudly puffing out his chest.

Mavis smiled. With his help, they had already gone on to decorating the majority of the ballroom in preparation for the reception that was going to be taking place for the soon-to-be married couple that day. Streamers and balloons lined the walls and ceilings, the buffet table was laid out with the kitchen staff starting to bring in the foods, and the DJ booth was stationed just a couple paces away from the colorful dance floor. Being that he was a part time bar mitzvah DJ for several years, Johnny was handling the selection of music for the event. Even an ice sculpture specially created for the Gremlinburgs had been made, depicting the pair standing lovingly next to each other. Mavis clasped her hands and rocked on the heels of her shoes.

"It's all coming along great!" she exclaimed, turning to Johnny. "Think we should ask Dad to come take a look?"

Johnny shrugged. "I think he'll be totally cool with it, but I guess you could. He's probably just sleeping in if anything. I know I'd be!"

"You? Sleeping in?" Mavis laughed. "Since when have you ever slept in?"

Johnny threw up his hands. "I do sometimes!"

Mavis shook her head, knowing quite well that with as much energy Johnny had to expend, he always used it up in busying himself with helping out around the hotel whenever he could. She didn't argue the matter further and instead went off, leaving him with a gentle warning.

"And don't dig into the cake yet!"

Already with a finger halfway reaching for it, Johnny groaned. "Awww, man..." When she was out of sight, however, he reached in again, only to have his fingers magically bound.

"I mean it, honey!" Mavis's voice called out in a light tone.

"How did you know?" Johnny cried out.

"Vampire vision, remember?" she responded.

A Thru Zing - A Drericka Oneshot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now