Part 31 (The girl in the Black Mask)

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Eslaxi Ready's up her Duel Disk before Zero steps in front of her.

Zero:"Alexis Stop!"

Eslaxi:"Get out of my way Zero."

Zero doesn't budge standing in front of her.

Zero:"If you want to reach Cyp, you need to go through me first!"

Eslaxi scoffs.

Eslaxi:"Please, you're a pushover. Move now before I make you."

Zero:"... Please Alexis, don't do this."

Zero ready's up his Duel Disk.

Sheppard:"What's going on here-"

Just before he could continue Eslaxi left, dropping Zane on the floor.

Zane:"C-cyp... She had some cards... S-synchro or something..."

Cyp's ears perk up

Cyp:"D-did you just say Synchro..?" (That means cards from my time are getting brought into this time...)

Zane passes out so Sheppard takes him to the infirmary, also letting out an announcement that if Alexis Rhodes is spotted on campus she is not to be approached by any student.


Sheppard:"My apologies folks, due to the circumstances behind the event that left Zane Truesdale injured the School Duel Tournament will be postponed."

The students are disappointed but understand the seriousness of the incident.

Cyp and the gang are hanging out in Hopes dorm, when Kesho notices a downed Cyp.

Kesho:"Hey buddy something on your mind~"

Cyp:"I'm just... Alexis said that she had orders from "Him" to bring me in... I'm wondering who that is..."

Zero:"Yea but it's not like we can do anything since Sheppard told us not to approach her!"

Hope:"Maybe its for the best..."

Ful:"Hell no!- Listen if some girl goes rogue and tries to harm another student why should we not try to approach her!"

Zero:"Alexis isn't just some girl you Idiot! She's my friend and I know she has some reasoning to why she's doing this!"

Ful:"Call me an idiot ONE MORE TIME YOU IMBECILE!"

Zero:"You're. An. Idiot."

Ful:"Why I ought a-"


The 2 stop in their tracks.

Cyp:"Zero's right, Alexis wouldn't just attack her close friend like that. Somebody- No. "He" Must be controlling her."

Zero:"Well when I find that bastard, I'm gonna kick his ass for doing this!"

Ful:"You'd fall on your face before you could even get your leg up you Troglodyte!"


Ful:"I'll Gladly kick your ass, because I can actually kick unlike some of us."


Kesho:"This shall be fun~~~~"

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