Part 32.5 (Lost Swordsman)

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Cyp is walking around on campus they are stopped by a large Green-haired man.

???:"Um, excuse me I'm looking for my ship, can you tell me where the closest harbor is?"

Cyp:"Sure! It's down that way, by the docks!"

???:"Thanks a lot- Hey are you a duelist too???"

Cyp:"Yea! I'm Cyp Owens, I go to this school!"

Zoro:" I'm Roronoa Zoro, a Duel Pirate! Say if you have time, maybe we could have a quick duel?"

Cyp:"Sure! I'm always up for a challenge!"


Cyp: I'll start! I'll normal summon my "Prank-Kids Rocksies" in ATK mode! Then I'll set 1 card, and pass my turn!"

Zoro:"Perfect, I'll draw... I'll normal summon my "X-Saber Anu Piranha"! Then I'll use my Piranha to attack your Rocksies!"


Zoro:"I'll go ahead and pass my turn there!"

CYP 3700                           ZORO 4000

Cyp:"My Move! Draw... I'll activate my set card, "Call of the Haunted"! This lets me bring back a card from my grave, I'll summon back Rocksies!"

Zoro:"It doesn't matter, Rocksies is still weaker then my Piranha!"

Cyp:"Not so fast! I'll activate my "Prank-Kids Pandamonium" to fuse my Rocksies with my newly drawn Lampsies!"

Zoro:"Oh no!"

Cyp:"I'll fusion summon my "Prank-Kids Rocket Ride! Now I'll also use the effects of my kids in grave, to summon 2 more from deck! But don't forget, my Rocket Ride can lose 1000 ATK to attack directly!"

Zoro:"Wow! That's a strong one!"

Cyp:" I'll Summon my "Prank-Kids Dropsies" and my "Prank-Kids Fansies" from my deck in DEF!"

Zoro:"Wow Cyp your deck is amazing!"

Cyp:"Thanks! Now Rocket Ride, Attack him directly!"


Cyp:"That's it for me! Go ahead!"

CYP 3700             ZORO 3000

Zoro:"Alright, I'll go ahead! I'll Summon my  "X-Saber Palomuro" In ATK! You're gonna regret not killing my Piranha Cyp!"

Cyp:"Wait... Palomuro is a tuner, that means-"

Zoro:"I tune my Level 1 Palomuro, and my Level 4 Piranha to Synchro Summon!"


Zoro:"Come on our, "X-Saber Wayne"! Now, Using his effect I can summon a Level 4 or lower Warrior Monster from my hand! I'll summon my "X-Saber Galahad!" Now My Wayne will kill your Rocket Ride!"


Zoro:"Now, Galahad Attack Fansies!"

Cyp:"How? Your Galahad only has 1800 ATK compared to my Fansies 2000 Defense!"

Zoro:"Well, my Galahad gains 300 ATK when attacking a monster only, so he goes to 2100 which beats over your Fansies!"


Zoro:"Now I'll set 1 card and end my turn!"

CYP 3600                       ZORO 3000

Cyp:"Alright, my move! Draw... I'll first activate my "Prank-Kids Place!" to add myself another Lampsies from deck! Then I activate "Polymerization" to fuse my Dropsies, and my Lampsies in hand to summon our my "Prank-Kids Weather Washer!"

Zoro:"Crap another fusion!"

Cyp:"And, the effects of my kids go off allowing me to summon 2 more! I'll summon another Fansies and Rocksies!"

Zoro:"They just keep coming huh..."

Cyp:"Not only that but because of the effects of my Place all Prank-Kids monsters gain 500 ATK since I fusion summoned!"


Cyp:"Now, Weather Washer attack his Wayne!"


Cyp:"Yes! Now I'll go ahead and set 2 cards now, then its your go!"

CYP: 3600                            ZORO: 2600

Zoro:"Here goes nothing... Draw! I'll Normal Summon-


Zoro:"Oh there you are!"

Cyp looks behind him to see a man wearing a straw hat, and a woman with orange hair.

Luffy:"There you are, we've looked all over for you!"

Nami:"You idiot, how the hell did you end up all the way on another island!

Cyp:"I'm sorry what is happening..?"

Zoro:"I'm afraid our duel has to be cut short Cyp. I got lost so no wonder my ship was so far away from the harbor..."

Cyp looks at him dumbfounded and laughs.

Cyp:"Well, good luck Zoro! Hopefully if we meet again, we can finish our game."

Zoro nods and they shake hands. Zoro leaves with his 2 friends, and Zero comes up behind him.

Zero:"Cyp guess wha- Huh? Who is that."

Cyp:"It's nobody, what's up Zero?"

Cyp and Zero walk back to their respective dorms, and Cyp smiles, hoping to see his new friend again.


HOLY CRAP ITS BEEN AWHILE! Sorry about not updating my first ever Wattpad project, and I'm VERY sorry for this filler episode haha. If you follow my page obviously i've been busy with another project being my Jey Uso x Rhea Ripley series, and if you're interested please by all means go and read it. This part is actually a trailer for another Yu-Gi-Oh series i'm writing called Yugi-Piece, which explores if the One Piece world was controlled by Duel Monsters. I hope you enjoy this short little preview, and stay tuned for that!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2024 ⏰

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