Part 8 (The Dogmatic VS The Showman)

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Hope:"I'll Start... I'll set 1 Monster face down, than set 2 cards and end my turn..."

Ful:"Alright, Here i go." *Smirks* "Start off this Show with a band, I'll Activate "Branded Opening. This card lets me add 1 Despia Monster from my deck to my hand by Discarding 1 Card."


Ful:" Don't worry my friend this show isn't over! I'll Discard my "Despian Tragedy" and add my "Aluber the Jester of Despia". And when my Tragedy is sent to the GY i get to keep this Charade Going! I'll add my "Dramaturge of Despia" to my hand"

Somewhere else...

Chazz:"Lookie what we have here"

Cyp & Zero:"CHAZZ"

Chazz:"Don't worry i'm just passing through" *Smirks*

Back to the duel

Ful:"Now i'll Normal Summon my Aluber and use his effect"

Hope:"Not so fast..! I'll use my "Dogmatika Punishment". This card lets me-"

Hope gets interrupted by Ful

Ful:"Lets you Destroy 1 of my monsters with the cost of 1 of your Extra deck right?"

Hope:"How did you..."

Ful:"Like i said, We're old friends..!"

Back with Zero & Cyp

Zero:"That damn Chazz! He was Most Definitely Up to Something... Wait, Where is my Extra Deck!?!?!"  

Cyp:"Huh What Happend to it?"

Zero:"We gotta tell Hope!!!"

Cyp:"Shit What are we gonna do!!"


Hope:"He did what..-"

Ful:"Eyes on the duel Dumbass"

Hope:"I'll Deal with you first..! I'll Send my-"

Ful:"You'll Send your "Titaniklad the Ash Dragon" right?"

Hope:"Basterd.. But yes.. Go Punish that Aluber"

Ful:"Not super helpful as my Star Actor still gets to search 1 card, which is my "Despia, Theater of the Branded"!! This duel is Over I'll Use my theaters effect to FUSION SUMMON"

Hope:"No way.."

Ful:"I'll use my "Dramaturge of Despia" and my Second Aluber in my Hand to summon my real Star "Despian Quaeritis". But that's not all Because my Dramaturge was used for a Fusion Summon He comes back from the dead!!!"

Hope:"Not so fast... I'll activate "Dogmatika Encounter" with this card i'll Summon my "Dogmatika Theo, the Iron Fist" in ATK Position..."

Ful:"That card wont be around for long... Time to Battle!!! go Dramaturge Attack that face down!!!"

Hope:"Hm... Well thanks for that, You killed my "Dogmatika Adin the Enlightened" now i get to-"

Ful:"Special Summon a Dogmatika from your deck right?"

Hope:"Just because you know that doesn't mean its good... I'll Summon my "Dogmatika Ecclesia the Virtuous"..! And with her effect i'll add my "Dogmatika Maximus"... Continue your turn..."

Ful:"Your still resisting, MWUAHAHAHA its pitiful"

Hope has a flashback to a time when he was younger


Hope:"No fair Hian..."

Ful:"Cmon Hope you need to summon out of your Extra deck not kill them!"

Hope:"I can win without them right "Fleur".."

Back to duel


Ful:"So you do remember old friend!!! That makes this duel even More Spectacular! I get to beat you even after i gave you advice!!!! I'll Use my Quaeritis's Effect!! Turning all your Monsters ATK to 0!"

Hope:"Theres no way i'll lose now Hian, I'll prove that an Extra deck means Nothing..!"

Ful:"Doubtful. Go Quaeritis Attack his Theo!!!"

Hope:"AGGHHH... You'll Pay for that.."

Ful:"I've delt you enough for now.. Go ahead and have your last turn."

Hope:"Not so Fast... I'll Use my Titaniklad's Effect..! I'll Summon out my "Dogmatika Fleurdelis, The Knightend"..! Long time no see Fleur.."

Ful:"After all that time i get to see it again!!! Fleurdelis the KNIGHT OF "ALBAZ"!!!"

Zero:"Albaz..? Where have i heard that name.."

Hope LP 1500                                   Ful LP 4000

Hope:" Now its my turn.. Perfect, I'll banish my Titaniklad from my GY to Summon my "Dogmatika Maximus".. Now I'll Activate my "Dogmatikalamity" using another Titaniklad from my Extra Deck.. to Summon "White Knight of Dogmatika".. It's over.."

Ful:"Not so Fast I'll Activate my Quaeritis's Effect turning all your-"

Hope:"Wrong Move.. I'll use the Effect of my White Knight to Destroy a Card from your Extra Deck..!"

Ful:"So it Doesn't Hurt my Monster!! You still cant damage me"

Hope:"Wouldn't be so sure.. I'll use another Fleurdelis From my Hand and summon it.. now i can negate your monster's effect.."


Hope:"Now because a monster from the Extra deck was destroyed i'll chain my "Dogmatika Ashiyan"..! Who summons himself and allows me to add back a Dogmatika Monster... Come Back Theo..!"

Ful:"Hahaha..! This really brings me back.."

Hope:"Same.. But its over!! Fleurdelis Attack and now every Dogmatika gains 500 ATK..! Go my Dogmatikas.. End this duel....!!!"

Hope Wins   Hope LP 1500                 Ful LP 0


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