Chapter Two

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As they entered the Great Hall it felt as though everything stood still. The large oak doors had opened as their names and titles had been proclaimed. Now, as they stood before what seemed like the entirety of two kingdoms, a hush fell over the crowded ballroom. The two royals gracefully made their entrance, straight backed with enchanting smiles. Kassyra could feel their guest's eyes on them as they made their way to the center of the room. The green eyed princess wore a deep blue, velvet dress that clung to her small frame. It had a square lined bodice and a deep V that exposed her bare back. The skirt flowed seamlessly from her hips and shimmered in the light as she walked. White detailing lined the skirt around her hips and flowed down the center of her skirts to her feet. The long, soft sleeves billowed down her sides with white detailing around the elongated cuffs to match. Half of the princess's silvery hair was pulled back into a braid while the rest of the silky curls flowed down her back.

At her side, her sister's dress was an emerald green mirror of her own with gold detailing. Her auburn curls were pulled into a long braid down her back. They were the picture of elegance. As they glided through the room people stared in awe. The warm light from the flames in the chandeliers cascaded upon their skin with a soft glow. As they reached the main table where the royal family sat, the noise and merriment resumed. The king surveyed his children as they approached. He met Kassyra's eyes and nodded.

"My daughters, you both look suitable." He said gruffly and went back to eating his meal.

"Thank you father." She said, resisting the urge to remark on his lack of fanfare. Although his expression and voice were calmer than usual, she could tell he was unnerved. The princesses took their seats to the left of their father. Kassyra immediately poured herself a cup of wine to ease her nerves. She watched as lords and ladies of two realms ate and drank in honor of her engagement with disgust. Being auctioned off like a pig for slaughter was hardly as honorable as they all proclaimed.

"I do wish to know what they truly look like." Isa mused. Kassyra took a sip of her wine and raised a brow at her twin.

"They will look as all princes do, prideful and self interested." Kassyra replied tersely. Isa sighed.

"Must you always sneer at everything?" She asked, exasperated.

"I do not sneer at everything. Just our father's choices for in laws." Kassyra replied, taking another sip of wine.

"You knew sooner or later this day would come. It is our duty to the kingdom." Isa said not unkindly.

"Even still, it is not a duty that I wish for either of us to be responsible in upholding. Especially with the Faraveilian princes." Kassyra muttered into her glass.

"What if the rumors prove false and they are handsome? Will you be in such denial then, sister?" Isa jested. Kassyra rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Since when have the rumors that one is ugly ever proven false?" She heard her sister sigh.

"I cannot fault your logic sister." Kassyra smiled into her wine as she took another sip. Her pale green eyes surveyed the room. All of these guests, most of which she had never seen before, were stealing glances at her and her twin. Perhaps wondering how they could possibly have come from the womb at the same time. It did not surprise her to find many wandering eyes looking at her. Many would have thought her a bastard when she was born, if not for the many mid-wives who witnessed their birth.

Most of the lords and ladies from the east she suspected had never seen a princess with southern coloring. As she watched she noticed a striking man, with dark hair leaning against a pillar conversing with a Faraveilian lord. His eyes met hers briefly from across the room. Unlike the others she had caught staring, he held her gaze unashamedly. A cat-like smile formed on his lips before he turned his attention back to his companion.

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