My Type

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"You're staring at her butt again," I say, rolling my eyes. I truly thought that girls weren't as perverted as guys, but clearly, I was wrong.

"Excuse me," Alice exclaims in outrage. "First, have you seen the brilliance that is that woman's behind?" Her eyes move to sneak another glimpse at the student lunch staff. She's not wrong. The girl looks around our age and is definitely gorgeous. Loose ringlet curls and glowing, caramel skin. "She must go to the gym, like, daily, to have a body like that. I'm mostly envious. Second, I don't want to hear you judging me about looking at butts. I see you checking the boy magician out all the time." Again, she's not wrong. The boy magician, as she calls him, has a magnificent butt. I shake my head, dispelling the thought.

"Whatever. Come on, Alice. Let's pay so we can eat." We move with the line behind a pair of whispering girls. After getting back our meal tickets from the cashier, we turn to sit. I say something to Alice, but she's not next to me anymore. Swiveling around, I see her talking to the curly girl across the counter with elbows resting on the cool marble, head tilted to the side to entice. Alice is such a flirt. Sometimes she just can't help herself. I stand off to the side, searching for a place to sit. A group of rowdy boys sits at our usual table. They look like the frat type: handsome, rich, and entitled. One of them meets my eyes and nods at me. Ignoring him, I finally spot an open booth. I catch Alice's eye, jerk my head in the table's general direction, and head that way.

Although I've pulled out my chemistry book intending to study, my hand drifts to my phone. My thumb decides to swipe through my home screen pages and open up Instagram. Did I tell it to do that? No. Nor did I instruct my hands to search for and scroll through Nick's page. Or for my eyes to close when a picture of the two of us comes up. I close the screen on my phone and drop it in my bag. Breathe, Bree. I can't keep getting emotional like this. Tuning out the sounds of talking and laughter, I take a few breaths.

In through the nose.


Out through the mouth.



Opening my eyes, I see Alice on her way towards me. Cafeteria sounds filter back in. By the time she is scooting across from me, I have pulled myself together enough to pass as ‌not upset, but not quite happy. The thing about having a best friend who has known you forever is that you can't fool them. It's quite invasive, actually. Alice eyes me, noting my mood, but opting not to say anything about it. Thank the heavens. I speak up before she decides to bring it up.

"So, did you get her number?" Her eyes brighten, and she leans onto the table.

"Her name is Angela, and she is glorious! Yes, I got her number. Next week, she will be working in the library, so I can visit her there. And guess what? She liked my shirt! She's a total anime girl." She sits back, satisfaction oozing from her every pore. Glancing down at Alice's Jujutsu Kaisen top, I see a younger Gojo on it, intense, blue eyes peering at me from behind round sunglasses. A laugh sneaks out of me.

"You're such a nerd," I say, joking. "You didn't even talk to her for that long and you got all of that out of her?"

Alice gives me a hard sigh eye. "Don't act like you aren't one, Matty. You were lusting after Geto just last week." My shoulder shrugs in admittance. I couldn't help myself.

"They knew what they were doing when they designed those men." That animation studio has TALENT. "It's not my fault they continuously thirst-trap us."

"You both certainly sound thirsty," a deep voice intones. Our heads jerk to the left and see Selwyn standing next to our booth, looking at his phone. His hand comes out and puts two bottles on the table. "Here, have some water." Alice laughs. Like, actually laughs at something Selwyn said. My eyes widen at her. Even Sel looks surprised and amused at the outburst. I turn my attention back to him.

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