red lights.

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(Authors note will be in this font)
(anything else will be inner thoughts of characters^^)

Binary star - A system of two stars where one revolves around the other or both revolve around a common centre.

Where Naruto lived wasn't really fit for children, the shinobi task force patrolled the red district of the villages less often. Leading to small robberies and theft, doors with locks were a must.
Naruto had lived here for most of his childhood, I mean, who would think the hokage would put the villages prized jinchuriki in a hazardous place during adolescence?
(me throwing shade)

Naruto thought himself to be strong, and an independent type of shinobi, so he didnt mind the petty crimes where he lived. The boy had tried a couple times to intervene when it happend infront of him, but the person who just got robbed would stangely always blame him; at first, he'd thought it was a game, but had rid that idea as soon as he watched someone kill a person in one of the alleyways. 'Adults are confusing and unreasonable' Naruto had thought. He often found himself thinking that more often as he got older.

His living situation would not be ideal, some would say; but to the young boy, he thought it was better then the people on the streets he passes by. The hokage even sometimes visits him, although rarely. The first time the elder had visited, he was 5. Naruto had almost slammed the door in the hokages face in surprise!
Naruto didn't want to seem rude, so he invited the older one in, and like how he saw his neighbors do, offered some water. (as that was all he had in his rundown fridge)

All the hokage had wanted from the boy (as thats what all adults want, take and don't give) was to inform him about schooling, apparently they were going around and informing children with no parents that school for kids their age should start soon.

Naruto had been given an 'allowence' once a month for things he'd need to buy to prepare, and to buy groceries.
Naruto had thanked the hokage as the man left his apartment. Usually, every month, money would be left inside the apartment on the worn wooden table in his 'kitchen'. Though, Naruto had noticed, that the supplies he'd have to buy were gonna be at least double the normal price, for reasons the boy simply doesn't have. two months of saving the 'allowence' he gets should be able to afford the things he needs while having some to spare incase of emergencies.

He'd need to spread his food out for two months, he couldn't do with passing out outside his apartment, who knows if someone would take the chance hurt him with him defenseless... (why should a little brat worry of being defenseless?.. whatever, not my... busisnes...)

-during the two months of budgeting--

The boy had worked out a system, he'd hunt for most parts of his meals, fish and small animals, and just buy a pound or two of rice to spread with his meals. Two months were practically a breeze, he'd even ran into the hokage once and he'd shared a fish. (he was very happy he was fortunate to catch enough for another person.)

When he was double sure that he'd have enough to buy what he needed (once he was short a few yens, he was accused of trying to steal and was kicked out without the food or his money back) AND! he was right again, the sellers were pricing things more on the higer side, but he had enough this time! he could practically feel the smile that tried to force it's way onto his face. Calming himself, he thanked the seller (manners were important!) and left for his apartment. On his way, he had noticed he had exactly enough change for a single large bowl of ramen. (cause of course my boy would know all the pricing of each size with toppings would cost<33) Taking a sharp turn in an alley he knew would lead him towards the ramen stall.

On his way, he ignored stares from the strange (scary) adults, and pushed open the curtains. "One large ramen with all toppings please!" he'd noticed one shinobi with grey hair and deciding to sit from the farthest seat from the man. (a small mercy he likes to give others as he sees even just his presence seems to disturb others and their meals) And like before he was right, the man had paused when he had sat down, but resumed just a moment after, there were only so much he could do. After all, this was his treat for himself. Rice and fish everyday for 2 months can become very bland. (Though he'd still eat it everyday if he needed too)

Right back to his ramen!
"it's been a while since you've visited naruto, how have things been?" the owner of the ramen shop was always nice to him, at first he had been more cautious, but how can a bad guy let him eat things at the price others also pay? (what defines a bad person, brat?) *ignore it...*

Whenever naruto has enough to buy a bowl, he'd always come here, And! he even puts extra on the house!
how naruto had ever managed to meet a person so awesome as him, it's a wonder to the boy (probably cause no one had ever truly shown unconditional kindness to him, he can't tell if he's lucky or unlucky.)

when he'd got his bowl, twice the size he ordered, he tanked the owner and dug in. he always loved the flavors, he swears no other shop compares to ichiraku ramen!

"hey, kid."

Naruto had froze, there was no other adult beside the one next to him, let alone another kid out this late. His only assumption being the man on the far left of him is calling to him. Lifting his head, and faced towards the grey haired man. He had noticed the man recognized him somehow, was he someone who had seen him in the crounds that swarmed him all the time on his birthday? last he checked (and he checked regularly) his birthday was atleast two more weeks, there should be no reason for others to be hostile yet. (It's concering that they are even hostile in the first place kid.) *...*


was all naruto could mumble out as a reply, still questioning the other mans intention.

"oh.."(the man paused as if he didnt expect the kid to even look at him.. he looked... guilty?)

"uhm, it's late out. Kids should be in bed by now." the man offered a reply, face straightening and his eyes- eye
blankly looking at the kid.

Ah! he knew he was ruining the adults dinner, he looks like he had a rough day.. I should hurry up.

"right, sorry." he quickly replied,

He gulped down the juice of his meal he quickly said thank you the the shop owner and hoped off the seat. He was intending on avoiding eye contact with the man lest he agitates the guy more, but he caught his eye that were wide open is.. he confused? yes. He must have wanted an apology? Should he bow?

Turning towards the one eyed ninja, "Sorry for disturbing you- sir?." and bowed swiftly, leaving for the exit just as fast before the man could interpret it was any sort of act of disrespect.

with a now almost empty shop he turned towards the owner.
"Does.. the kid always apologize when leaving?.." the man asked the owner.
"No, usually the kid is here when no ones around, but when theres others, the customers often openly complain of the kids presence."
"I... I see. thank you, have a good night."
"you too kakashi-san"
(haha :] )


thats the end of chapter 1!! if anyone actually reads this, I'll be surprised. so I apologize if my writing is inadequate to standards as this is my first fic I've been committed too do. it's entertaining to me so I hope your also entertained dear readers^^
I unfortunately am an amature on how to correctly portray a story without switching povs. So this story is gonna be kinda omnipresent/omnipotent. Also narutos dense is a way that hurts my heart and I hope it hurts yours too :)
you can probally guess whos voice (this) is lol, also kakashi makes an early entrance! and man is he concerned^^
I think thats all, have a amazing day, hopefully chapter 2 will be out soon :DD.

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