Give Chase

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        Aphelion - The point in the orbit of a planet or other celestial body where it is farthest from the sun.

        Kakashi wasn't one to worry too much, let alone enough to pursue what his worry was. Taking another turn in an alleyway stained in grim muck and smelt horrid. How the kid knew the layout of this district like the back of his hand worried him. He was tailing the kid that rushed out of the ramen shop no longer then 5 minutes ago. He took abrupt turns at random, stopping for a second before ducking into another alleyway.

If he didnt know how old this kid was, he'd have assumed he was trying to loose him.

He'd thought for a split second... was this kid lost?

        When Kakashi stopped for a split second- distracted. It was that very second that gave the kid the chance to sneak onto the roof unnoticed.

        In a blink, the kid he was tailing had vanished, he searched for the blonde hair he was familiar with, but saw nothing. When he found no physical trace of the kid, he tried looking for his Chakra signature, but with a kid that young, and the distance he probally put between them, it was nearly impossible to accurately pin point it. Pointless, he'd thought.

        The late night sky kissing the ground below with crisp cold air. Kakashi, deep in the center of the Red District, turned towards the general direction of his home.

'Finally lost him.' The kid said as he rushed on the tops of the roofs. He wasn't supposed to be on here, he'd gotten scolded one to many times for it. In his defense, he could have swore that guy was bad news- I mean, he tailed tried tailing him immediately after he left that shop.

Once naruto made it to his apartment roof, he picked the lock on his window and entered quietly.
Avoiding the stray adults that roamed the halls drunk.

The first of October. 10 days.

Naruto stepped into his kitchen, knowing that at exactly 6 AM. There will be enough money to get him (barley) enough food for that month.

He didn't know how he would disguise himself this time, using a black powder on his hair just enough to darken it, or just a regular hood and face mask. He could go for the safer option and just stock up food he finds, but his fridge dosent work well, and food spoils fast in the humid apartments.

Dye and hoodie it is.

Sorry for the really short chapter, I'm trying to keep it to 1000 words, but I'm in the middle of moving. And keeping my grades in check while moving is kinda difficult. And I'm of course continuing this as I find it fun. The next chapter, Naruto is gonna be buying food out. (PLEASE let me know if I should make Naruto more overpowered, and not needed he was at the beginning. I won't make him one-shot everything , even if that sounds hilarious, just make him NOT THAT dense and airheaded. Like my guy here is traumatized, not an idiot.) Thank you for reading ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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