10- left our future to the right

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All James heard was the brief crunch of peanut M&M's as they met their demise in Svetlana's mouth. She was more than pleased to eat her candy as soon as she got in the car but he suggested that she wait.

Of course, she listened and waited a good two hours before she caved. By night fall she had tried one peanut butter cup and a pack of M&M's. The two of them currently shared a pack of M&M's while they rode in silence.

Because Svetlana had slept for most of the ride earlier she was regenerated and filled with energy whereas James had been driving for 5 hours and felt nothing but exhaustion.

It was currently midnight in America but in Siberia, the time would be 3 pm. The time difference greatly affected him, though he shouldn't be tired as it was the early afternoon back home but with the darkness and tiring mission he went on today he was more than ready to sleep. ( I 100% did this math wrong but to lazy to fix it)

Nonetheless, he stayed awake by forcing away the long blinks his eyes were forcing and replaced them with rapid blinks every second.

He didn't want to stop for at least a full day, they needed to get as far away as possible so he stuck it out while Svetlana enjoyed the views or asked him more unnecessary questions.

Svetlana had decided she wanted to go to Washington, she seemed pretty set on it as soon as she read it was one of the more foggier States.

Originally she wanted Maine but James ruled it out as he decided it was much too close to D.C. for his comfort. Although the State was small, it didn't seem ideal for hiding for that reason exactly.

In Maine the two of them could've had a small cabin in the desolate woods, he thought it was perfect until he realized places off the grid would be the places Captain America and the red-haired woman would look first. Natalia. The redhead's name was Natalia, he remembered now.

They would have more luck staying unknown if they hunkered down in a decently sized town or a big city like San Francisco or LA. But Svetlana made it clear she wanted anything but that. So Washington it was.

The drive would be no doubt over a week or two including stops and necessary bathroom trips but he wanted to try and make this trip a bit more than just driving for Svet. She'd never been anywhere without HYDRA having her on a leash her whole life, she deserved a small trip out of this runaway mission.

It would be over a 3,000-mile trip from their starting point, Charlottesville, Virginia to Seattle, Washington according to the map Svet found in the glovebox. Svetlana and James compromised with the big city/ Washington ordeal. She said it would be fine as long as they were in Washington.

He didn't know what her big deal was with residing in a place that was cold and had little sunlight but he didn't question her about it, in case the subject was a touchy one.

Currently, the car was quiet. The only thing that was heard was the low hum of the engine running and Svet's crunching. The light noises were putting him to sleep with how tired he was. Normally he'd be grateful for the silence but he needed to stay awake for their drive.

"Talk to me Lana, what's on your mind?" James started as he turned towards the girl in the passenger seat.

She had climbed into it- most likely illegally as she couldn't be more than 75 pounds, 30 minutes after they left the parking lot of Aunt Hattie's store.

" I don't know, Washington I guess." She shrugged in response.

"Yeah well, what do you wanna do in Washington?" He asked.

This was a question he was actually interested in. He wondered what exactly was in Washington that piqued her interest so much or what she wanted to do when they got there.

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