The Fall of a Landship

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S.C.P World, Himalayas -2 hours later-

"TELL US WHERE THE OTHERS ARE!!"A SS Officer yelled at a captured human, the humans hands were cut off and a Crossbow bolt was lodged up his ass.

The man was the only surviving member f the G.O.C force that attacked them two hours ago.

The man screamed, his mouth muffled by a cloth, and whatever he tried to do, failed to produce any results besides irritating the Robloxian before him.

The Robloxian got impatient, and grabbed a radio.

SS Officer: Torture room 14 to warden, I am requesting, The Weapon.

The man looked up, fearing the worst, and a Drafted Robloxian went to get it, but for now, a good beating would do.

The Officer kicked his shin, his face, and his shin again, before he did a one-two combo aimed towards his head.

Then, another kick to the shin, and the chin, and the shin again.

The Captured man coughed up blood and saliva as the Drafted Robloxian came back.

With a Warhammer.

The Captured man's eyes widened in fear, however, he steeled himself. Until it hit his Ribs.

SS Officer:Where are they Lebowski,WHERE ARE THEY?!.

Lebowski?:*Cough**Cough* I-i don't know...please-

SS Officer:Oh Bullshit, I know that you know that the know that you know where they are.

SS Officer:So what's it gonna be Lebowski? The Hammer, or your Life.

Lebowski?:..Fuck off.

The SS Officer brought his Hammer and positioned it above his head, and struck,and that was the last thing he felt before he was killed.

Tank fish:Yeah Marsh's Prometheus is burning the bodies right now.

Setsuna:How many of those Elite Units does he have?!

Tank fish:Dunno, He wants to keep it as a Secret.

Setsuna:Bullshit nothing can escape from me, the Great Setsuna on Matters involving Elite units!

Tank fish:Bruh, then explain each of the units he has then.


Tank fish: Lol.

Chili suddenly appeared, looking absolutely horrible and filled with Black Goo. Which was very Acidic by the way.

With Marsh in the SCP Facility.


Marsh was on the floor dramatically holding a broken oven in his arms. Sparta, hearing the commotion ran into the room, fully expecting an Attack.

Instead, he found his Mastermind dramatically crying while holding a Broken oven.


He turned around and left, seeing that there was nothing to fight there.

Later, he would see the Mastermind leave alongside the Robloxian Leader, with the Oven in his arms being carried like a fallen soldier.

Marsh:[You did well, oven, we couldn't have cooked the food without you]

Tank Fish:Let him rest, he deserves it after all his hardwork and service to the legion.

The two went outside,and buried the Oven .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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