"The Dungeon Prince and the Child Actor: A Tale of Unlikely Friendship"

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Harold had always been a lonely soul. Ever since his mother was falsely accused and thrown into a prison cell, he had retreated to the outskirts of the kingdom, avoiding the grandeur and hustle of the royal palace.


But today was different. As he walked through the garden, feeling the warm sun on his back, he noticed a group of child performers rehearsing for a play. He couldn't help but be captivated by their energy and comedic timing.

And when one of the performers, a lively and talented young boy, caught his eye, he found himself drawn towards him.

Curious and intrigued, the prince attended their rehearsal and watched the performers, including the little adorable boy who had captured his attention. He was enamored by his performance and his ability to make him laugh, something he had not felt in a long time.

After the play ended,the little boy ran towards an old lady ,
turns out he was the grandson of the old lady whom he met a while ago in the palace garden. She saw the prince and introduced her little grandson to the prince,The little boy came to sit on the bench the prince was sitting on.
The small boy sat down munching on a candy bar that he took out of his pocket. The prince couldn't help but smile at the boy's carefree demeanor.

'Hello there, young fellow. What are you doing here all by yourself?'
Prince asked, intrigued.

The boy looked up, surprised to see the prince.
'I'm just taking a break from my busy acting schedule. My grandmother works as a maid here,'
he replied with a mischievous grin.

The prince raised an eyebrow, 'Acting? And your grandmother is a maid here? That's quite an interesting combination.'

The boy nodded proudly, 'Yep, I'm a child actor . My grandma says I should learn different skills, just in case acting doesn't work out.'

The prince chuckled, 'Wise advice. And what's your name, little actor?'

'I'm Tim, and I'm 8 years old. What about you? I've never seen you around before,' Tim said curiously.

'I'm Prince Harold. I don't live here, but I'm visiting today to see my mother,' the prince explained.

Tim's eyes widened, 'Oh, I've heard about her! She's the one who's been in prison for 20 years, but that's all a misunderstanding, right?
'My Grandmother told me about her'

The prince's smile faltered for a moment before he replied, 'Yes, it is.

But enough of that sad talk. You must be exhausted from your acting and candy munching. How about we explore the palace together?'

Tim's eyes lit up and he eagerly grabbed the prince's hand, 'Yes, please!'

"As they ran around the palace, the prince couldn't remember the last time he had laughed and had fun. Tim's endless energy and silly jokes were contagious and he couldn't help but feel grateful to the maid who had arranged this meeting."

Finally, they reached the prison cell where the prince's mother was being held. As Tim cracked a joke about the guards, the prince couldn't help but join in, making his mother smile for the first time in years. From that day on, the prince and Tim became the best of friends, with Tim always bringing joy and laughter into the prince's otherwise lonely life.

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