Choose the correct answer part 2

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The students always _____ (listen/listens/listened) attentively during the lectures.

My parents _____ (travel/travels/traveled) to different countries every year.

The artist _____ (draw/draws/drew) stunning landscapes with charcoal.

We _____ (play/plays/played) board games on rainy weekends.

The scientists _____ (conduct/conducts/conducted) experiments in the laboratory.

She _____ (teach/teaches/taught) English to foreign students.

They _____ (ride/rides/rode) bicycles in the park last Sunday.

My brother _____ (study/studies/studied) for his exams all night.

The coffee shop _____ (open/opens/opened) at 6 AM every day.

Every summer, our family _____ (go/goes/went) camping in the mountains.

The chef _____ (prepare/prepares/prepared) a five-course meal for the guests.

The kids _____ (jump/jumps/jumped) in excitement when they saw the circus.

We _____ (volunteer/volunteers/volunteered) at the local shelter every month.

The students _____ (listen/listens/listened) to classical music during the study session.

My sister _____ (swim/swims/swam) in the ocean every chance she gets.

The company _____ (expand/expands/expanded) its business to international markets.

The baby _____ (sleep/sleeps/slept) soundly through the night.

We _____ (eat/eats/ate) ice cream on hot summer afternoons.

The gardener _____ (plant/plants/planted) a variety of flowers in the garden.

The choir _____ (sing/sings/sang) beautifully at the concert last week.

They _____ (buy/buys/bought) new furniture for their living room.

My family _____ (celebrate/celebrates/celebrated) New Year's Eve with a feast.

The students _____ (solve/solves/solved) complex math problems in class.

She _____ (run/runs/ran) a marathon in under four hours.

The scientist _____ (discover/discovers/discovered) a new species of butterfly.

Every Friday, we _____ (watch/watches/watched) a movie together.

The children _____ (play/plays/played) hide-and-seek in the backyard.

My grandfather _____ (tell/tells/told) stories about his childhood adventures.

We _____ (clean/cleans/cleaned) the entire house before the guests arrived.

The actors _____ (perform/performs/performed) a stunning play at the theater.

The dog _____ (bark/barks/barked) loudly when someone approaches the door.

My friends and I _____ (take/takes/took) a road trip across the country.

The sun _____ (shine/shines/shone) brightly in the clear blue sky.

They _____ (build/builds/built) a treehouse in their backyard.

The baby _____ (laugh/laughs/laughed) when tickled.

We _____ (attend/attends/attended) a music festival last summer.

The students _____ (study/studies/studied) for the upcoming exams.

The artist _____ (create/creates/created) stunning sculptures from recycled materials.

He _____ (write/writes/wrote) a heartfelt letter to his best friend.

The dancers _____ (practice/practices/practiced) their routine for the big performance.

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