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Roman POV

"Burgess? Kim don't leave me, don't leave me. Oh God don't leave me Kim!" I rush over to her lifeless body, she has a huge gash from the fall, and burns covering her whole body. I pick her up and run to a nearby house. "Help, my partner! She's hurt! Call an Ambulance." A middle aged woman runs out, with two first aid boxes, bottles of water and towels.

"I'm Clinly, I'm a RN at Chicago Med. What's this young ladies name?" She rips off her vest and shirt leaving her in only her bra, and pants.

"Kimberly Burgess, Kim. Please help her. She's my partner." She nods her head, and wraps her head in a white gauze.

"Take this phone, and call an Ambulance, she's in bad shape. Kimberly might not make it, I'm sorry." I pick up the ladies flip phone and dial 911. I describe Kim's situation to the dispatcher. And I soon here a siren in the distance. God Kim, I'm such a bad partner, that should've been me. That should've been me.

Brett's POV
Mills and I pull up to the house, I imminently recognize the wounded woman. It's Kim. Sean's partner, Oh God where's Roman?

"Brett, over here!" Mills, my partner calls. Leading me over to Kim, who is losing blood rapidly. "Major blow to the head, trama caused blackout. We need to move fast!" We lift her up onto the backboard, then place her onto the stretcher, and into the ambulance.

"Babe, are you coming, are you hurt?" I ask Roman, who has backed out of the way, and is sitting against the wall with his head in his hands.

"She doesn't want me there, this is my fault. That should've been me, not Kim. She has too much to live for she can't die, not now!" He gets up and runs out to his car.

I hop into the ambo, and start to work on Kim. "God Kim, you can't die! What about Adam? And Roman? They need you alive! " I hear a long beep. She flatlined, I pump extra fluids into her and again I hear a beep. "Mills, step on it she's flatlined it twice!" I begin CPR, I quickly feel a soft pulse. Come on Kim, Come on!

Ruzak POV

"Hey, babe are you mad at me, did I do something wrong? Please call me, I love you. The team is going out for drinks at Molly's I'll save you a spot. Bye." I hang up the phone. And throw it on my desk. "Shit."

"What did Romeo screw up this time?" Jay Halstead jokingly said. He threw me my jacket and switched off his lamp.

"I don't know, I don't think I did anything." We walk out the door, and sign out with Platt.

"You better buy her a case of chocolates, and a bottle of expensive wine." I punch him in the shoulder. I sign my name, and walk out the door. Jay starts walking towards his car

"That may work for Linsey, but Kim is a more of a at home romantic dinner, kind of girl. You can just ride with me, bro." He nods his head, and hops in my truck. After a short drive, across town. We finally reach the bar.

We walk into the pub, I notice my team in our usual booth. Halstead and I walk over to the bar, and we order two beers. I see a familiar face, drunk crying on a bar stool. Sean Roman.

"Hey, man that's enough. You don't want to cause a accident? Would you?" He looks up at me and I see that his eyes are red, and his cheeks are stained with tears. I pull the beer bottle out of his hand.

"I already did. She's going to die because of me." He places his head on the bar counter.

"Who? Roman whoever it is she'll be fine. It's okay, just lay off the drinks." He stands up and gets close to me. He holds onto my shoulder.

"Kim Burgess, it wasn't her fault Adam. I'm sorr-" I push Sean back into the stool, and run out into the freezes Chicago air. I hop in my truck, God why Kim? Why Kim Burgess. Oh God. I slam my hand against the dashboard. I start my truck onto the familiar path to Chicago Med. I've lost family, friends, and now maybe Kim, in the hospital. Why can't it ever be me, they don't deserve this. I pull into the hospital drive way, I run into the hospital doors.

"Where Kimberly Burgess? Where's Kim?" A nurse walks over to me. She places a gentle hand on my chest.

"Sir, she's in surgery right now." I try to push past her. Two security men run over and shove me in a chair. I try to get out of their grasps, but it's useless. I break down into tears, not even bothering to wipe them off my face. I hear the doors open. Voight and the team walk through them, arising stares and glimpses.

"Chicago PD, he's with us." Voight walks over to the nurse. "This is Adam Ruzak, his girlfriend is Kim Burgess, Chicago Patrolman. What room will Kim Burgess be in? Or do I need to call for back up?" He crosses his arms, giving his signature bad boy look.

"No need for that sir, she will be in the ICU, room 494. I'm sorry for the trouble!" She quickly turns around the corner, the security men loosen their grip on my arms. I walk over to my Sargent.

"I can't help but...." Voight pulls me into a hug, which surprises me. "I get it Ruzak, but you should've waited for your team." He says to me. Then to the others behind him. "I want officers outside of her room, and patrol around the hospital." He leads me into the waiting room. I sit down immediately. I prepare for the long wait.

A Chicago PD Love Story: BurzekWhere stories live. Discover now