The Scrunchie - Eddie Munson

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Eddie's been acting to weird lately.
Like, don't get me wrong - he's a pretty weird guy but this is new level of weird even for him.
I've been dating Eddie for the last year or so which people were surprised by. Eddie and I have been familiar with each other since Middle School but we seemed to have lost touch a little when he vanished for like a whole summer about 3 years back then again the rest of his senior year... the first time he was a senior anyway. I get that he'd been dumped by this chick he met at a comic con but, like, we've all been dumped right? He ended up flunking his senior year after the break-up, which isn't a surprise for Eddie... the guy hates school. But after that weird summer vanishing act, he suddenly payed super close attention in classes, stopped fighting and even got me to help with his homework. He seemed really desperate to actually graduate this year. Good for him, I guess? We all need to grow-up at some point. 

As always, Eddie offered me a ride home after Hellfire club. He'd spent the whole session glancing at his watch, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently every time we'd take a second to discussed a strategy. It's like he wasn't really there. I'd tried to ask him a little more about it on the drive but he shut down my questions every time, telling me "It's a school night, baby. You know I just wanna get my reading and junk done before tomorrow." I didn't want to probe it anymore as I could sense he wasn't willing to talk about it, but I'm his girlfriend... we're meant to talk about these things, right? We rounded the street corner towards my house in silence, pulling up to the curb and coming to a stop. "I can't drive you tomorrow by the way. I'm sorry. I've just, I've got a thing in the morning so I'm gonna be a little late in." Eddie has been so guarded lately, normally he'd tell me every single detail about his life - even the disturbing stuff. 
"Thing?" I asked, I know I shouldn't push him but it felt a little unfair that he just kept shutting me out like this.
"Yes, Y/N. A thing. Is that okay?" he snapped, I could see the anguish on his face the second he barked at me. I was so mad at him, furious. All I'm trying to do is be let in on my best friends life, my boyfriends life. Eddie knows I hate secrets, ever since I caught Jason cheating on me with Chrissy, it was painful and just plain wrong. All the lies and secrets Jason spun hurt more than finding out he didn't love me, and Eddie knew this. "I'm sorry, baby." he tried to reach out and comfort me, but unfortunately I was way too pissed for his apology right now. I grabbed my bag and stormed out the car towards the front door, Eddie called out to me but I ignored every desperate call for me as I entered the house.

Hours and hours of pacing my room, snapping at my family and just being a miserable bitch all night until I fell asleep. Waking in the morning still in a foul mood and wanting answers, but feeling a little more open to that apology from last night. Skipping breakfast, I hopped in my car and headed to school. I was greeted by the usual Hellfire guys, all asking where Eddie was like I'm his fucking secretary. "He's got a thing. He's gonna be late." they all quickly got the feeling that there was heat between me and Eddie right now and didn't dare ask further questions. They talked amongst themselves, mostly about video games and D&D until the bell rang and we went our separate ways. I'd normally go to homeroom with Eddie, but this morning I had to walk in alone, sit alone and eventually, head to first period... alone. It's sad to say, but Eddie and I were a little co-dependant. We did everything together... or so I thought.
"Sorry I'm late, Mr B. I've got a note." Eddie rushed into the classroom, waving a piece of paper at the teacher. Mr Benson took the paper, reading it in silence before dismissing Eddie to his usual seat beside me. He didn't say anything as he sat down and got his books out, I felt like he was waiting for me to talk first. I wanted nothing more than to keep my resolve strong and not say a word to him until he acknowledge his behaviour last night. Bratty? Yes. But I was hurt. "Morning beautiful." he grazed his hand down my crossed arm, silently pleading for me to talk to him. But that's when I saw it... a little purple scrunchie looped around his wrist. Eddie has been known to tie his hair up out of his face sometimes, but never with a fucking scrunchie and I know damn well it's not mine. So who's is it?!

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