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"hanni and danielle this is the 3rd time you guys are talking during my class today. i already warned you two earlier and it seems like you guys weren't listening at all." the teacher stops in the midst of explaining the new topic that the class about to learn when she caught hanni and danielle secretly talking again.

all eyes are now on the two noisy students, hanni looks down on the paper, ashamed of herself and not knowing what to say but to wait what the teacher gonna say next while danielle just panicking,

the story got juicy and juicy i couldn't help it!! is what hanni keeps saying on her mind,

"if this is how its gonna be then its time for both of you to sit separately. i don't want to see any students interrupting my class anymore. hanni go sit next to minjae since wonyoung is absent. all of you should let wonyoung know that her seat will be next to danielle from now on when she's back to school soon, is that clear class?"
"yes miss!"

hanni widens her in surprise at the order, not wanting to exchange seats with wonyoung or be far away from danielle. hanni and danielle look at each other one last time, shaking their heads and making a gesture of not wanting to sit far away from each other like they're not ever gonna talk again once the lesson ends.

the teacher stares intensely at hanni with her arms crossed waiting for her to move before she continues the lesson. hanni sighs, not wanting to go as she hastily takes all her stuff and her backpack.

jeez i hate this so much! now i'll have to sit with a guy i have never had a word with!!

with a straight face, hanni stands up and goes to the last row, at the back. and there she sees a brown-haired guy, minjae sitting next to the window, waiting for the teacher to continue with an annoyed face while clicking his ballpen.

hanni pulls the chair and sits on it after putting her bagpack behind. she then sees bunch of notebooks on her desk when she's about to put her stuff and she quickly side eyes minjae who seems unaware of her presence,

this guy is not taking his belongings away even though i already sit here.. is he trying to piss me off as well?! hanni gives a death stare to minjae who's looking out the window with his chin rests on his other hand.

"class, i just received a phonecall from the principal its urgent. i have to meet him in the office now so ill be gone for a short while. make sure to not cause any scenes, i'll be back soon." the teacher announces as she rushes to put her phone in her handbag, leaving the classroom immediately before the students say anything.

hanni is glad that the teacher is not here because she wanna ask minjae to put his stuff away from hanni's desk despite her sitting there already,

"hey these notebooks must be yours right? could you take them away because im literally sitting here??" hanni asks nicely although she's annoyed on the inside, looking at minjae who's now casually drinking his banana milk.

"ah,, right im sorry i forgot" minjae nonchalantly replies, finally taking his notebooks then put them under his drawer.

that was probably the first time i've heard him talking,, hanni thinks as she puts her stuff on her desk, though he sounds a bit like he did it on purpose just now, she doesn't feel too good with minjae's attitude, the vibes just dont feel good for her.

but we have to get to know our seatmate though right since we probably have to sit next each other for a long time,, i mean first impression on people could mean the opposite sometimes so why not?

hanni clears her throat, "so is your favorite drink banana milk? i think i've seen you drinking it everytime you come to class in the morning" she tries to be nice and starts a conversation but a minute pass, no response from minjae.

hanni takes a look at the guy again and minjae has his headphones on while writing something on his notebook, it looks like he's studying. hanni scoffs a bit, annoyed at the treatment just now.

hanni, who deeply hates being ignored insists, "helloo?? im asking you a question??" a hint of annoyance in her voice,

minjae notices and stops writing, putting down his headphones on his shoulders, "what? are you talking to me?"

"who else do you think!"

minjae scoffs, "cant you see that im studying right now?" he says with his deep voice, seriousness written on his face.

"okay but it was just a simple question? and i was trying to be friendly with you!"

"like im in the mood for your friendliness?" minjae answers fast, earning a few attention from the students near them.

"oh what a jerk" hanni mouths, her gaze quickly changes into a glare. thankfully minjae don't see it because he looks away after he said that.

"holy moly—whats going on over there?"
"dont you guys think they look cute together just now?"
"minjae and hanni sitting together?! i cant believe my eyes—!"
"not yall getting crazy over how good they look together when their faces literally look like they're ready to jump down each other's throats, better get your eyes checked or something guys"

"listen here you peace of sh—" she stops when she realizes whats coming out of her mouth and then continues, "if you dont wanna talk to me then make it clear instead of causing a goddamn scene! cant you see that everyone is staring at us right now! i've had enough of them staring at me earlier for getting called out by the teacher!" she whispers aggressively at the unbothered guy after hearing tons of students talking about them,

"then just stay still and dont say a word, simple as that" minjae advices, doing back what he supposed to do a while ago.

hanni cant help but feel offended and anger quickly taking over her body, "excuse me?! who are you to tell me what to do?" she scowls and exclaims without thinking, causing more attention on her and she immediately curses to herself for it.

minjae doesn't say anything and puts back his headphones on, studying like nothing happened. hanni on the other hand feels more bothered by minjae's super annoying attitude and how he ignores her at first. she wants to say everything what's on her mind because she's furious but she manages to calm herself down later.

hanni turns her head to the front, sighing deeply then put down her head on her folded arms over her desk, god this guy is so frustrating to deal with! danielle save MEEEE!!

is it love? - hanni pham x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now