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it's evening which means school time is over. hanni sighs as she waits for the door of the bus to be opened, when it finally arrives at the station where she usually waits.

she gets in when it opens and the seats are mostly taken by adult people who are going home after work. she walks as she starts searching for empty seats, usually she would just stand up and hold onto the bus's handle because the bus is always full in the evening but she's still gonna look for it anyway just incase,

she moves her head side to side, walking forward as she takes out one of her earpieces until she finds an empty seat, she smiles in relief but it quickly drops when she notices there's someone else's backpack there, ugh how much i hate people like this on a bus, like mister these seats aint all yours?!

an annoyed expression forms on her face as she looks who's the person sitting next to it then she widens her eyes in surprise, recognising who the guy is,

no way minjae?! what the hell is he doing here?! she furrows her eyebrows as she watches him looking out the window, resting his head on it with his headphones on,

he turns his head when he feels like he's being watched only to meet hanni's sharp gaze while crossing her ams over her chest, he gasps and quickly puts down his headphones, "oh!? you're here??"

"so you also got the same attitude even on a public transport like this huh?" hanni says, her eyes targeting his bagpack on the empty seat,

minjae opens his mouth out of shock at the immediate hash response, "h-hey! its not like that okay?! i just did this because no one was sitting here at first and you just had to be the first person who came here and looking for a seat!" he stumbles on his words, quickly taking his bagpack away and placing it down on his feet.

hanni just rolls her eyes, i aint hearing all that she avoids his defensive looking eyes,

he clears his throat, "what are you waiting for? are you not going to sit?"

"forget it, i never said i wanted to sit here" she replies dryly,

"don't bother yourself im sure there aren't any empty seats left" he turns his body to her and at the same he's watching out for the driver, worried that he might starts driving since hanni is still standing while not holding anything for safety,

"nah im good, i'll just go ther–AHHHH!!!!" she yells as she loses her balance to stand up when the bus starts moving and minjae who's already prepared by getting up earlier quickly catches her in his arm by her waist and gripping onto the handle with his other hand above his head to maintain his balance,

hanni's heart almost dropped and her eyes shuts closed the moment she's about to fall, she was already accepting her fate but surprisingly she doesn't feel any pain behind her back and that's she's being held under someone's arm, she can feel the person's rapid breath against her lips as she slowly opens her eyes and of course it's minjae, he looks dead worried

"are you okay!? god that was dangerous!!"

hanni widens her eyes in shock when she realises the position they're in, not to mention how she's holding tightly onto minjae's uniform to prevent herself from falling and how close their faces are,

oh hell no...

"you see that teenagers right there? aww they look so cute! what a sweet couple!"
"i feel like im watching a real life kdrama"
"damn i wish i could experience a teenage love like them too"
"my man could never"

"let go!" hanni quickly moves away from his touch and stands straight, she's hella embarrassed of what the people just say about them, she turns around wanting to walk away from minjae but everyone's looking at her, some of them even smile, oh god this is humiliating..

"whatever im just gonna sit here! move out of the way!" she gives up and pushes minjae who's blocking the empty seat, and finally sits there.

minjae just stays there for a while, looking at her in confusion then later he sits next to her. he fixes his uniform, buttoning up the first few buttons that hanni held on earlier, meaning she accidentally unbuttoned it.

she blushes at the thought, wondering what she has done to minjae. she turns her head more to the side, trying to hide her shy and red face from him,

meanwhile minjae suddenly feels awkward about the sudden silence, especially after what happened, he takes a glance at hanni over his shoulder, "hey im sorry if it made you feel unco—"

"just be quiet and enjoy the ride!"

minjae immediately shuts his mouth, glaring at her secretly, "well you're welcome for saving your life" he says mockingly,

hanni just rolls her eyes, not saying anything. she knows she should be thanking him, she just hates the fact that she has to do it to minjae.

she turns her face to the front when her cheeks feel normal, then she tries to steal a look at the brown-haired guy when they're back in silence, he's looking out the window with his palm resting under his chin.

a minute passes, minjae's phone vibrates in the pocket of his pants which makes hanni flinch a bit, looking away quickly, scared that she might get caught for staring at him secretly.

minjae picks up the phone, "yes mom?"

"where are you now? are you done with school?"

"yeah im on my way home, only one stop left"

hanni tries to avoid hearing their conversation because she can hear his mom's loud voice from his phone, it just feels illegal to her. so she just mind her own business although she still can clearly hear it,

"okay take care on your way home. i'll be leaving for an urgent meeting at work, just wanna tell you to look out for you little sister while im gone okay?"

"ugh no way i have to deal with that kid again..."

"kim minjae."

"ugh yea fine mom, you too take care on your way to work"

so he has to babysit later, hanni quickly covers her mouth when she accidentally lets out a laugh and minjae notices.

he looks at her as he puts back his phone, "you heard it didn't you?"

"nope." hanni responds fast, panicking on the inside

minjae scoffs, knowing that's definitely a lie, "whatever"

as soon as the bus finally stops at a station where minjae lives nearby, he gets up and hanni quickly looks up at him even though she tells herself to not to, then she notices the first button on his white uniform is nowhere to be seen,

wait hold on... dont tell me i also accidentally broke and took the button off!?! oh my god!! this is so embarrassing and he's not even saying anything about it!!

"well then see you at school tomorrow, hanni" he looks at hanni one last time, smirking which shows one of his dimples.

hanni is not sure what to say or feel about what he just said to her before leaving, especially when she heard him saying his name for the first time and when she sees that dimple again,

"oh my goodness .. too much is happening today, its so tiring to deal with him" a sigh of relief escapes her lips as she watches minjae gets off the bus and leaves.

she then rests herself against the seat with her eyes closed, "ughhh what the hell is going on!" she covers her face, when her brain keeps thinking the moment when minjae saves herself from falling, and she ends up making herself shy the more she thinks about it.

is it love? - hanni pham x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now