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Random song recommendation: Skyfall beats - Nightmares.

"Take this and review it, we prepared a new identity for you, complete with falsified documents, ID, passport and fake criminal background... use them well and that's how you're going to gain their trust and like" said your boss, handing you a file full of documents.

You started reading loudly pacing through the office,

"Cool!! I like this name,  Kim Elena, half Korean, half Italian. Loads of achievements in the underworld, dealing with a small criminal enterprises in the past. Planned and executed major robberies and underground negotiator... wait! negotiator??" you asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes!! we're using your strengths; the strength of speech and manipulation"

"Alright!" you said and sat in front of your boss waiting for him to carry on.

"Your new identity is known for mediating disputes and brokering deals between rival factions, earning a reputation as a trusted intermediary who can bring not only peaceful but also beneficial resolutions" he said getting comfortable on his leather chair.

You put the  document on the wooden table and raised an eyebrow saying,

"I know I'm ready for for this, I'm confident but aren't you concerned about the risks involved boss? You seem pretty chill..how can you be so sure they won't discover my real identity?"

"It lays in your hands Y/N,  it's crucial that you maintain your cover at all times and earn their trust so you can extract the information we need. I trust you in this" he said,

his tone getting serious and low pausing for a moment leaning forward and added,

"If one of them gets to crack your undercover the price will be high"

You nodded knowing well that the price is you.

"Certainly boss!! what about my sudden appearance wouldn't they be suspicious?"

"Well, we've anticipated that,  we'll  strategically leak information about your successful criminal background to certain individuals within the mob, the right hands will hear about you and it will help establish your credibility and reserve you a seat within the BANG Mafia ranks"

"And how we're going to leak informa–......wait don't tell me–?" your eyes widened.

"Yes...exactly what came to your mind Y/N....our prisoner Jung Wooyoung, former Ateez Mafia member" said your boss pinning Wooyoung's picture on the wooden board.

"Convinced?" you asked.

"Totally!! we promised him his and his family's safety, we will relocate his family and guarantee their protection away from the underworld. Besides we will mitigate his sentence for his government services" he added.

"And did you put a tracker device in case he tries to escape? you know we can't trust mafia members" you asked.

"Discreetly implanted under his skin it is impossible for him to remove it without triggering an alarm"

"Just one last question boss! what about my sudden disappearance from my normal life since now I'll spend all of my time; possibly weeks or maybe months living in the underworld?"

"No one can know Y/N!  your family and even your fiance! this is the top secret mission and we can't risk any mistakes or any leak of info"

"Should I tell them that I'm traveling abroad for business ?"

"Yeah, do your thing Y/N. You're good at convincing people anyway, so convincing them wouldn't be a hard task for you"

"Sure thing boss! I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done" you exhaled  with confidence.

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