4| The Shipping

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A/n: Hi everyone, sorry for this late update, I was kinda busy so I couldn't focus on writing.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this part.

⚠️⚠️This part is an introduction to the coming main events, so I apologize if it looks boring or something.

W.c: 3.5k+

You stirred out of your bed in your new government-provided apartment. Gradually emerging from your sleep, stretching your arms. The government gave you this apartment specifically for this mission. Hidden surveillance devices everywhere, strategically placed throughout the space. Equipped with the latest technology, eavesdropping devices and very advanced security system. Your wardrobe full of necessary weapons.

You took a moment to collect yourself. Brainstorming and organizing your thought on how to start your day and navigate once again in the mafia world.

"Oh first thing; I have to call Jungkook!"

You grabbed your phone from the bedside table, clicked on his name on Kakaotalk and called him. It didn't take him too long to pick up his phone.

"Baby" he started through the phone.

"Hey Jungkook! How are you?"

"I just woke up! I was waiting for your call"

"Aw good morning sleepyhead! I just wanted to let you know that I arrived safely in Sweden"

"That's great to hear! I miss you already Y/n. Can we facetime? I want to see your face"

But you can't facetime him, you're supposed to be at the airport and not lounging in your bed still in the same country as him.

"Oh Kookie, I wish we could ! but I'm still at the airport. I've got some company and we're kinda on a rush" You lied.

"Oh shoot, alright baby I understand, I'm sure we'll facetime soon! Stay safe" he said with a sad tone.

"I promise Kookie! I'll be careful -gotta go now-"

"Wait Y/n! remember I love you!"

You paused for a second, taking a deep breath, feeling the weight of your double life now. Feeling bad that you're lying to your fiancé but that's how things work for an undercover detective like you! It's your duty, and it' crucial that you don't reveal the truth to anyone.

"I love you too Jungkook"

With that last sentence you hung up, not wasting a second you dialed Wooyoung's number and called him.

"Y/n! calling very early...quite excited to break the laws that you've been asserting your whole life and be a mafia member, aren't you?"

You can feel his smirk through the phone.

"Yeah something like that, you've got a mission today Woo"

"Oh I see you started using a shortcut for my name, already influenced by my friends wait till you join their mafia, I think you'll resign from your detective position"

You rolled your eyes in annoyance,

"You talk a lot Jung Wooyoung, I think its better if you use your energy on today's mission and not on blabbering"

"Oww, alright don't get mad now! What's my mission"

"You know that I'll be meeting BangChan this evening, but before I do, you'll meet him first"

"Yeah? For what?"

"To manipulate him of course, tonight he must give me an offer to join the Bang Mafia! You must affect him"

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