6| Like Father, Like Son

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A/N: Hello everyone!! I hope you're doing alright!! Finally posting Chapter 6, I truly apologize for the late update. As I mentioned in the other story, it's Ramadan so my schedule kinda changed and got a bit busier, and btw Happy Ramadan to my Muslim readers and Happy Lent to my Christian readers ( Sorry it's kinda late)
Remember you are loved and cared for, all of you!! no matter who you are , I love y'all ❤️

And Free Palestine 🇵🇸

w.c: 2.8k+

The tension cracked in the air as you stood there in the middle of the ring.

With a confident gaze, you looked down at the guy who was on one knee gasping for air, his face twisted in pain. His pride shattered in front of his friends and boss, as he struggled to rise but failed miserably after the kidney punch he received by you.

"Had enough?" you said coldly,

He gazed up at you, glaring, his eyes glimmering with fire, he wanted to stand up to try to knock you out, he hated to admit it even within himself that he lost against you.

A well trained mafia member lost  against a newbie.

He hesitantly looked up at his boss;  Seungcheol, scared of his reaction, of the dirty looks he would receive from him and he was right, if looks could kill, he would be dead by now. Seungcheol who stood at the edge of the ring, watched the whole combat from the very beginning, thinking his man would knock you down in a few moments and prove you unworthy, but he was wrong. He faced the unexpected, and now his man, his well trusted man is on the ring floor, struggling to take a breath.

Seungcheol's  piercing glare cut through the silence like a sharp knife. His eyes threatening his man for what was waiting for him. Then his glare shifted to you,

"Not bad, Elena" he said with a calm yet threatening voice as he started approaching you.
Then he stood right in front of you, not breaking the eye contact, his mysterious smile still drawn on his face.
"You actually chose one of the weakest here" he added,

kicking his man that laid on the ground in his stomach making him groan in pain, making him suffer even more as if your punches weren't enough for him.

"Weakest? In the Bang Mafia? Well I thought all of your men are well trained?  Guess not" you replied chuckling a bit with the same attitude that he gave you.

He chuckled in annoyance since he didn't know what to say.
The tension grew in the air, and everything can feel it.

"Get Xiao out of here" he said as he pointed at the guy on the ground and then started walking away.

"Everyone get back to your work, the combat is over" ordered Chan.

With gentle steps, he approached you with a smile, handing you a towel and a bottle of water,

"Thanks" you whispered with a soft smile.

"You're welcome, I see you're a real fighter...I mean wow, I'm sorry but I didn't expect all of that skill" he exclaimed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh thank you, I actually like martial arts so..."

"You're so good at it, I mean Xiao is one of the best guys here–"

"But your brother said h–"

"My brother was just offended I guess, he doesn't accept loss–"

"It's not like a fought your brother though, I fought–"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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