I Hate You (FaraxOti)

873 20 5

-Top Fara
-Degrading Kink
-Oti angst if you squint
-Hate sex


Oti sat quietly in his room, a hot cup of tea sitting in front of him as he read his favorite book.

Let Them Die Comfortably.

He glared down in annoyance as he heard Lang, Pur, Bay, and Din talking rather loudly in his living room.

He sighed, setting his book down as he got up, ready to walk in and tell them to shut the fuck up.

But he was stopped right in his tracks as something suddenly fell down in front of his doorway.

He reared back, eyes wide as he blinked, trying to figure out what it was. His eyes narrowed as he realized.

Oh. It's just the goat.

He huffed. "What do you want, stupid goat?"

"I only came to see you, is that so wrong Pikachu?" Fara smirked, ducking under the small (to him) door frame and closing the door behind him.

"Yes, it is. I'm rather busy at the moment."

"With what, listening to those humans speak obnoxiously?"

Oti rolled his eyes and walked away, sitting back down at his table.

Fara just stood there staring at him, a wide smirk on his face as he had his hands crossed behind his back.

Oti blinked and looked up at him in annoyance. "Can you just grab whatever shit you want and leave?"

"Aww, don't be that way Pikachu. You know you enjoy my company."

Oti slammed a hand down on the table, glaring at him. "I very much do not, don't even suggest that bullshit. Now can you please just leEEA-"

Oti yelped when he felt Fara zip over and grab him, hands around his waist as he flew up, horns barely avoiding the ceiling.

"Hey! What the- put me down, you mountain goat!" Oti exclaimed, thrashing around.

Fara continued to hold him, smirking and narrowing his eyes as he kept one hand around the mage's waist, the other traveling down his body.

Oti's eyes widened and he froze, cheeks lighting up with blush as he looked at Fara. "W-What the hell are you doing..?"

"You told me to grab whatever shit I wanted and leave," Fara's whispered as he placed a hand on Oti's ass, squeezing it lightly.

"And I'm doing just that."


"Fuck.. go f-faster, you d-dumb goat!"

"You'll have to do a better job than that, darling~"

Oti's face was beet red as he looked up at Fara, who had been roughly fucking him for about half an hour by now.

The mage let out a squeal when he felt Fara hit his prostate over and over, quickly covering his face with his arm as he threw his head back.

Fara smirked at him, slamming into him harder and watching as Oti slowly broke down below him.

Shit, he's so pretty..

Of course, that was something he'd never say out loud, on account that they were only having sex to relieve them both of stress.

Just to relieve stress.

Hell, they hadn't even kissed, they just tore each other's clothes off and got into it.

We hate each other, and that is how it always will be. Fara frowned a bit at that thought and started slamming into Oti even harder, roughly hitting his prostate each time.

Oti screamed out, picking up his arms and throwing them around Fara's neck.

"F-fuck, it f-feels so good.. p-please, harder~!"

"Yeah, you like that? Like having the person you hate most fuck you like the slut you are?"

Oti moaned loudly, squeezing his eyes shut as he threw his head back again, panting.

Fara's smirk grew as he realized. Degradation kink.. that's fucking hot.

He leaned down, their faces an inch apart as he kept the mage's arms wrapped around his neck.

"Moan like that again.." he whispered.

Oti was a mess. He couldn't form words anymore and he didn't even try as he opened his eyes, making eye contact with Fara.

In that moment they just looked at each other, not even remembering what they were doing and what it was for.

All they cared about were each other.

After a few seconds Oti thrusted his head up, smashing their lips together. He ran one hand up into Fara's hair, the other stroking over his horns.

Fara's eyes widened and he was still for a moment before he kissed back, thrusting at the same harsh and fast pace he was before.

He closed his eyes, running his hands up and down Oti's body. After a few seconds they both pulled away, panting as it was both of their first time.

They stayed gazing at each other before Oti moaned out, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut as he came all over Fara's stomach.

His hole tightened up around Fara's cock which caused him to inhale sharply, releasing inside of the mage.

He went back down and kissed Oti again, not able to get enough of his soft lips. He shoved his tongue into the younger's mouth, a low moan escaping him.

After a few more makeout sessions Fara pulled out, both of them tensing as they finally comprehended what just happened.


They both finally got their clothes back on and Oti was fixing Fara's bow, both extremely silent.

After Oti finished they both just stood there, avoiding eye contact.

"...do you want to talk about what just happened?" Fara spoke quietly, fidgeting his thumbs.

"Do we really have to..? I mean, it's pretty obvious what we did, and we know why we did it- so-"

"Why exactly did we do it?" Fara raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer to the mage.

"..stress relief... since, y'know.. we've both been stressed lately.." Oti whispered the last part, knowing he wasn't telling the truth on his part.

Fara frowned and grabbed Oti's waist, pulling him close.

"I've only been stressed because I haven't fucked you before now.." he whispered.

Oti's eyes widened and his face reddened again. "What.. what are you saying...?"

"I'm saying that I'm in love with you.." Fara rested his chin on the mage's shoulder, closing his eyes. "And I have been ever since I found you at that old man's cabin, Oti."

Oti inhaled sharply as he heard him. He called me by my name..

He let out a shaky breath as he felt tears forming in his eyes. "I love you too, Fara..."



Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what else you want to see of these two!

New part should be out soon! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 1108

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