Unconditional Love (BayxPur)

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-BayxPur angst
-Still happy ending tho


Pur sat beside of Bay, who was still fast asleep in his bed.

Sac had been fixing up his wound for the past few days, and it had taken a lot of convincing for Pur to finally see him.

The magician looked at him sadly, holding one of his hands tightly. It's all my fault..

If he wouldn't have been so stupid as to let Venus into his house, she wouldn't have controlled him and none of this would have happened.

Bay wouldn't have been shot.. it's all because of me.

He closed his eyes and sighed as he looked down. "I'm so sorry, Bay.."

"...sorry for what?"

Pur's eyes widened as he looked up, seeing Bay looking down at him.

His grip on the other's hand immediately tightened and his eyes lit up. "You're awake!"

"Yeah.. how long have I been asleep?" Bay attempted to sit up, wincing as the pain in his chest got worse.

"About a day..- don't try and get up, you need to relax," Pur put a gentle hand on his stomach and laid him back down, rubbing his thumb over his hand.

Bay blushed a little and avoided eye contact.

They were silent for a bit before Pur spoke. "..I'm sorry, Bay. This is all my fault.."

Bay's eyes widened and he looked over at the magician. "It's not! I chose to come with you and help you!"

"Only because you felt like you had to!" Pur frowned and looked back at him. "If I wouldn't have been so stupid-"

"Hey! Shut up!" Bay sat up, ignoring the pain in his chest as he slapped Pur across the face.

The magician sat there, eyes wide open in shock.

"I helped you because I care about you.. in ways I'm afraid to say," Bay blushed, looking away as he gripped Pur's hand.

Pur blushed a bit, looking over at the older. "..I care about you too... which is why I hate myself for hurting you so much."

Bay looked at him sadly, pulling Pur up onto the bed. Their faces were inches apart as he smiled at him softly.

"It's not your fault, Pur. I forgive you, and I want you to forgive yourself too."

Pur's eyes widened and he smiled back, feeling tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you."

Bay's eyes widened and he opened his mouth a bit, frozen as his face turned beet red.

"..I love you too, idiot."

He put his arms around Pur's neck and pulled him down, their lips touching softly but passionately.

They both closed their eyes and Pur kissed back, putting a hand on Bay's waist while the other went beside his head.

After a few seconds they both pulled away, faces beet red.

"...we should do that more."

"Shut up, you grape."

"Kiss me again and maybe I will..~"

"..I hate you."

"Love you too :>"


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Sorry the ending was kinda rushed ^_^;

I think we can all agree, this is the fluffiest ship in the series-

New chapter should be out soon! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 523

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