One Kiss (FedxSac)

631 17 8

-Top Sac


Sac sat at his desk, clicking his pen. What do I write..

He shrugged and just set the pen down, sighing. He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes.

He opened them again when he heard and felt something behind him. He narrowed his eyes and whipped around, grabbing it and pinning it down on his bed.

His eyes widened when he realized it was Fed beneath him, blinking up at him with that annoying smirk on his face.

Sac glared at him and kept him pinned, one hand pinning one of Fed's beside his head, the other holding his other hand down at his side.

They made eye contact and Fed could feel his face heating up, forgetting why he had even come. Did I come for him..? No. Couldn't be.

He kept up his act like nothing was happening, and Sac's knee definitely wasn't rubbing against his growing boner.

Of course, Sac noticed where his knee was and he smirked, pushing it up further and rubbing it back and forth.

Fed's breath hitched as he bit back a moan, his face bright red and eyes wide as he looked up at Sac.

The older continued to rub his knee on Fed's clothed dick, bringing the ghost's other hand up and pinning them both above his head with one hand, while his other hand felt all around his body.

Fed clenched his teeth and threw his head back, still trying to hide how good he felt.

Sac leaned down and licked Fed's neck, sucking a bit as he reached a hand under his shirt.

Fed gasped and threw his head back farther, whimpering slightly as he felt the older's tongue and lips on his tender skin.

Then Sac stopped, taking his mouth away from the ghost's neck and his hand out from his shirt.

He kept Fed's hands pinned above his head and put a hand on his chin, tilting his head down until their eyes met once again, their faces an inch apart.

He continued to slowly rub and thrust his knee against the younger's boner, smirking down at him.

Fed's eyes were half-lidded as he looked up at Sac, sweating from the tension and the pressure of holding back his moans.

Sac went down to his ear and whispered. "Let me hear your pretty moans. You know you can't hold it in much longer..~"

Fed's breath hitched and he tensed up as he felt a moan attempting to escape.

"F-fuck.. I'm not h-holding in a-anything, y-you idiot!" Fed gasped out, clenching his teeth as he felt Sac rub faster.

Sac frowned, moving his face down closer. Fed averted his gaze, looking at anything but the person on top of him.

"Look at me, Fed."

The ghost's eyes immediately snapped up, making eye contact with Sac.

They were so close, and Fed wanted so badly to just pull him down and kiss him, confess how much he was in love with him.

But he didn't get the chance.

Because Sac did it first, duh-


Sac pushed his face down, roughly kissing Fed as he removed his knee and snapped his hips down, grinding their boners together.

They both instantly moaned into the kiss, shoving their tongues together.

Sac's grip on Fed's hands loosened and the younger immediately brought them up, grabbing a fistful of the older's hair and pulling him in deeper.

After about a minute they both pulled away, but they were nowhere near finished.

They went right back into it, the kiss even rougher this time as Sac scrambled to remove both their pants and boxers, needing more friction.

When both of their bottom halves were bare they grinded faster and harder against each other, moaning loudly into each other's mouths.

Fed moaned more as he felt how big Sac was. Fuck.. at least 10 inches..

He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, pulling harder on Sac's hair which earned him a moan in response.

They pulled away from the kiss after several minutes, both panting and looking at each other with eyes half-lidded.

Fed gasped. "Fuck, Sac- I'm close!"

"I am too.." Sac whispered, pecking his lips.

They both moaned as they released, Sac grinding his teeth as he struggled to hold himself up, pinning both hands beside Fed's head.

When they both came down from their high, Sac fell down beside Fed and pulled him close, burying his face into the back of the younger's neck.

"We really need to do that more often.."

"...yeah. But next time tell me when you're going to pin me down and seduce me, you asshole!"


I swear if these two don't get together soon I'm gonna AAAAAAAAA-

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed, let me know what else you'd like to see!

More chapters out soon! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 816

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