Jealousy (LangxDin)

375 7 1

-Mini smut
-Jealous Lang
-Top Lang


Fed stared at the group in annoyance as they all smiled and went around Din, who he had just returned to his original size.

Lang went in to hug Din, happy to have his (unofficial but still official) boyfriend back.

But his face darkened as Bay ran up and pulled Din close, smiling.

The cat's eyes narrowed as he slowly turned his head to look at Pur, who was looking back at him with the same look of jealousy.

They were directed back to Fed and Fara as they began talking, before they flew off again.

Lang looked at Sac and Oti, who were both looking after them with a glint in their eyes. He rolled his eyes.

These two. Horrible at romance.

Of course, Lang considered himself an expert. He was 100% the most romantic one there.

Din walked past him, heading back into the house. The cat smirked at him, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he followed him.

Pur and Bay headed up to the room beside of Oti's, which meant they'd be alone.


When they got inside they sat on the couch next to each other. Lang saw Din hesitate before he put his head down on the cat's shoulder, snuggling up against him.

Oh, that does it.

Lang turned abruptly and grabbed Din's shoulders, shoving him down on the couch and straddling his waist.

Din's eyes widened as he looked up at the older, face going red as Lang's hands stroked over his body.

"L-Lang, what are you-"


Din snapped his mouth shut, eyes still wide as he bit his lip.

Lang continued to stroke the younger's chest, squeezing a bit which earned him a squeal.

" really think you can hug someone else like that and then cuddle up to me like nothing happened?

"B-But Bay is my b-best friend, y-you know this-"

"I said quiet." Lang narrowed his eyes and brought his fingers up, pinching Din's nipples.

The younger squealed and moaned, biting his lip harder. He was sure he was bound to draw blood by now.

Lang finally released Din's chest, smirking as he leaned over and stroked his hands down lower, teasing around the younger's growing erection.

Din blushed harder, keeping his eyes on Lang's.

"Are you trying to make me jealous~?"

Din sputtered, no longer able to comprehend words. "I-I-"

"Because if you are.." Lang leaned down further and whispered in his ear. "It's working."

Din moaned out as he felt Lang's hand fall on his boner, squeezing and rubbing.

The older smirked and went down, kissing and sucking on the younger's neck.

He bit down and Din squealed out, putting his arms around the cat's waist and scratching at his back.

This made Lang moan and he bit down harder, smirking as he heard Din moan louder.

"Lang s-stop, we're s-still i-in Oti's h-house"

Lang ignored him, instead rubbing him faster.

Din clenched his teeth. It felt amazing and he wanted to continue, but it would be disrespectful to Oti.

He inhaled sharply and placed his hands on Lang's chest, pushing him up and to the side.

The cat's eyes widened as he rolled off the couch, hitting the floor with a soft thump.

Din's face was still red as he sat up, eyes squeezed shut.

Lang smiled softly and laughed a bit, standing back up and sitting down next to him.

"I'm sorry, Din."

"..i-it's fine.. just wait until we get back home."

Lang smirked as they sat there for a bit and he stretched out his neck, tapping on the side of his cheek.

Din's face lit up again and he just sat there before quickly placing a kiss on his cheek, going back and smiling as he looked to the other side.

"You're adorable," Lang chuckled and kissed Din's cheek, putting an arm around his shoulder as he started purring.

Din blushed more and put his head on the older's shoulder, closing his eyes.

"I love you.."

"I love you too."


Okay I take back what I said about Bay and Pur, this is the fluffiest ship-

Hope you enjoyed, new chapter out soon! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 711

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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