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Feeling Alec's hand Blake took it swiftly. Letting the older jock pull him out of the car Blake couldn't help but feel nervous. What did Alec want to show him? Why did he have to have a blindfold over his eyes.

Alec couldn't help but chuckle at how nervous his boy seemed. Interlocking their fingers completely. Biting his bottom lip the older jock hoped this showed how much he cared about Blake. He knew it was too much, even after they had met merely a month ago. Except Alec couldn't help himself. When he wants something he gets it, if he had to buy this boy anything he wants to claim him, he will.

"I'm scared" Blake confessed as he gently squeezed the older boys hand. He trusted Alec, how couldn't he. The older boys grown so much on his how could he not trust him. Biting his tongue Blake felt them come to a halt. His nerves rising, breathing becoming heavier. Feeling Alec tug at the blindfold Blake froze. Feeling the older boy place a soft kiss upon his forehead he couldn't help but calm down.

"Ready" Nodding his head Sunlight collided with the boys eyes. Rubbing them softly Blakes eyes widened. They were outside his house, his mum by the doorway. Camera in hand. His eyes averting to the freshly brand new BMW sitting on their driveway. Turning to meet Alec's gaze Blake couldn't talk. He couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. It's not for him surely?

"Surprise" he heard his mum say as a soft laugh left her tongue. Her lips in a smile as she watched her son stand in shock. Alec had come to Blake's house knocking on the door soon after Blake had rushed off. Telling the smaller boys mum everything she agreed with Alec's plan. He knew Blake needed a new car, he just didn't have the funds for it. Well Alec did, thanks to his family, especially his father spoiling him throughout his childhood, well before it turned shit.

"Alec" The older boy couldn't help but smile at Blake's reaction. Nodding his head Blake only took a step back before the older jock grabbed his hands. Placing a quick kiss upon Blake's lips Alec handed him the car keys.

"I know you might think what Jessica said is true but it's not, I want you to believe me, the ways you make my body turn have never happened before, not to anyone, your not a toy to me Blake, you never will be, I can't explain how I feel, I just know that I want you in my life, wether it's with me or as a friend, you mean so much to me Blake, more than you understand, your the spark in my dark world and honestly without you I dunno what I would do, I know we've only known each other for a month but, you can't leave now, not yet"

Feeling his eyes tear up to these words Blake wrapped his arms around Alec's neck. Feeling the older boy hug him back Blake let his emotions drop. Tears escaping his eyes. He doesn't know why he's crying, why his body is reacting this way. No one's ever bought him something this big, god no one's ever bought him a gift other than his parents.

"I don't know what to say Alec, I don't deserve this" Pulling away Blake rubbed his eyes. His heart beating like crazy, goosebumps along his skin.

"Then don't say anything" Turning to look at his new car Blake still couldn't believe it was his. Grabbing the older boys hand Blake strolled over to the car. It was perfect. Matt black on the outside, cream interior. Running his free hand along the side of his car Blake only felt this situation kick in. It was his it was actually his. Looking at the car keys in his hand he pressed the unlock button. Headlights shining bright, Blake's mouth left agape.

Opening the drivers door Blake turned to face Alec. Giving him a small smile Alec only placed another quick kiss on Blake's lips. Heading round to the other side Alec got into the passenger side.

"Be back for dinner you two" Blake turned to face his mum. Running up to give her a quick hug he felt like this was all a dream.

"I love you mum" "i love you too sweetie, now hurry go have fun, be safe" Giving her one last smile he rushed back getting into the drivers side of the car. Closing the door the fresh scent filled his senses. His eyes meeting the older boys as a smile tugged at his lips.

"You ready baby" Hearing Alec call him this name Blake couldn't help but smile as he started the ignition. 

"You need to stop calling me that" Alec only chuckled as he slipped his hand on his boys thigh. Taking a deep breath he took one last glance at Alec before heading out of his driveway. The car felt smooth, quick as he drove away from his home.

"Whys that" The older boy couldn't help but tease as he watched Blake drive his new car. Alec only let one thought run through his head at this time. God he was so hot. Blake only felt his cheeks flush as he felt Alec's gaze on him. A look he couldn't decipher.

"You like it don't you" Alec teased again gently squeezing Blake's thigh. Watching as they came to a red light Alec leaned forward. His lips merely grazing Blake's earlobe. Watching as Blake kept his eyes forward he could tell his boy was nervous. The way his Adam's apple moved.

"Do you even know how hot you look driving this car" These words only broke the smaller boy. A soft groan escaping his lips as he felt Alec squeeze his thigh a little hard this time. Biting his bottom lip Blake felt arousal hit his body. The way Alec's deep voice echoed throughout his ears.

Pressing on the acceleration Blake let his head rest on the head rest behind. His inside giddy at how smooth this car was, still not believing it was now his. A big smile hitting his lips.

"I actually hate you" Blake spoke, coming to a halt as he parked the car outside his house. This only earned a chuckle to escape Alec's lips. Grasping the younger boys chin Alec pulled Blake closer. Lips inches apart.

"You don't" Watching as a smile hit Blake's lips Alec felt his heart beat faster. God that smile, it's always that smile.

"I do" humming to the younger boys words Alec closed the gap. Their lips syncing as one. The kiss slow, Alec's hand wrapping around Blake's neck. This action leaving a gasp to escape the smaller boys tongue. Feeling Blake trail his hands up Alec's shoulders the older boy only shivered. Blake's touch still sending the older jock into a spiral with every crevasse he grazed. Their tongues colliding, Alec's tongue immediately asserting dominance. A grunt escaping Blake's lips as Alec bit his boys bottom lip.

Pulling away the two only watched each other. Smiles on their faces.

"Thank you for this, I can't even express how much this means to me Alec" Running his fingers through Blake's hair Alec only smiled. He was happy, happy his boy liked his new car. He was happy, happy their relationship was advancing. Did he want it to stop? No. He wanted Blake all to himself and if he had to figure out his sexuality and new experiences to complete that mission he's doing it.

"Now you can flex your new car to those cunts at school" chucking to this statement the two got out of the car. Heading inside Blake's mum was quick to greet them.

"Just in time boys come have a seat" following his mums orders Blake headed over to the dinner table. Watching as Alec sat next to him Blake felt nauseous. So much had happened today that it was all catching up to him. Biting his tongue he took a sip of water as his mum served dinner.

"So how's the car honey" Blake's mum asked as she sat down with a smile. Watching as her son smiled she smiled even more. She'd only met Alec today but after he had told her what he did she almost cried. He'd finally made a friend, even more, more than a friend. When she had caught the two sharing a kiss the other night all she could do was smile.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect it, I don't deserve it" Alec only smiled as he took a bite out of his burger. He was glad Blake's liked it. He didn't need to pay him back, fuck will he ever need to do that. All Alec wants to do is spoil Blake. Holding that back wasn't easy but to make sure his boy actually stays he's got to try.

"I'm glad you like it" Taking a bite out of his burger these next words only made Blake choke.

"So how long have you two been seeing each other" Blake's mum only smiled at her son's reaction. Alec's lips only tugged into a smile as his hand rubbed Blake's leg. Watching as his boy glanced his way he smiled even more.

"Why do you have to make everything embarrassing mum" Blake only mumbled as he interlocked his fingers with Alec's.

"What I have the right to know" His mum was right but Blake didn't want anything out yet. He wanted to wait a little more, until what this relationship forming becomes into something long lasting. It's just, when? Who's gonna be the one to make that move?!

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