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Today, I mourn

I mourn the life I thought I'd have with you
I mourn the promises you've made
I mourn what I mistook as love
I mourn the years spent chasing you through hazy realities
I mourn every time you told me to leave & I stayed
I mourn happily ever after

"You, you, you"
I silence my cries and your thunder still roars

Cornered like an animal
I have no escape
Please let me breathe
Just a moment
I'm trying to help you
I can't survive like this

With the fury of a hurricane you stand above me,
Booming still
Do you not see the waves you ensue?
Your vice-induced hatred crashing against me,
I cover my head but they swallow me whole,

And still thunder roars,
And still I hide, I plead

Today I mourn our love
What it once was
How it engulfed the very fabric of my soul
The warmth
The joy
The shelter

Today I say goodbye to the memory of us
And accept that it no longer is
Whether it was a figment of the imagination
that exists only in my mind,
Or it was a moment of bliss that exists now only in the past

Today I say goodbye
To the memory of the man I fell in love with
To the promises he made for our lives
To the way he made me feel

The past is gone, never to return
The future, an unreachable destination

All we have is now
Neither of you are here

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