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I wish I never got married
I wish I knew then what I know now
I wish, I wish, I wish

The reality is that I am your wife
Even if you don't treat me that way
The reality is that I am miserable
and you refuse to acknowledge that you did this to me, to us
The reality is that you're in a relationship with yourself,
and I am an interference with the feeding of your ego, your demons

Because how dare I want respect?
How dare I ask for mercy?
Blatant laughter at my expense and you turn a blind eye-
Turning to the harlots you befriend as if I know no better what you do in my home
Cusses thrown in my direction under your breath rather than defending what little honor you've left me with-
The honor you've stripped me of

But I am your wife, I lower my head,
Bite my tongue and clench my jaw,
Suffocate the tears that build up and remember that you will never bring me peace-
look at this life you cage me into;
against my values & the values I married you for
look at the way you speak of me to our children;
cruel claims & language that spews hatred

You rule this home with fear & pain
You fear no God

but I do

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