Chapter 25

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"Do not touch me!" I shouted at him when he hugged me.

"Calm down first, and then we'll talk." He has no right to demand that from me.

"Do you think I'm going to calm down after this. You let my best friend go to your brother, and he took her like she was a thing. That girl, my friend, has her own life here, her family is here, friends, job. How could you allow it, how do you expect me to calm down and the damage has already been done. Adriano, I hope nothing happens to her because if something happens, I will never forgive you or myself for what you did." My body was shaking because of how angry I am at everything that happened, and I can't do anything, I can't come to terms with the fact that the only person who supports me in everything and my best friend is no longer with me and that I couldn't help her.

I left his room and went to mine. I decided to change into sports clothes and go down to the gym.

I entered the gym and wanted to hit the sack right away, but I changed my mind and stood on the treadmill first to warm up. Many thoughts are going through my head that every minute I just get angrier, even when I hear these whistles from all these men who are with me in the gym, I should beat them and maybe I will.

I wrapped the tape around my fingers and hands and put on boxing gloves.

"Hey beauty, you want to fight with me?" Of course.

"Maybe." He stopped for a few seconds and just looked at me. He did not expect that answer from me. He knows exactly who I am and what I do, but he wanted to joke with me, and today is not the day for that.

"Wait wait, you are girl, I can't fight you. Forget it." He answered me and turned to his friends.

"And you're a coward? What does it matter that I'm a girl? I can beat you up without a problem." Now I shouted to him entering the ring.

I leaned against the ring fence and looked at his team.

"Someone who is brave?" If I wasn't so angry and furious, I would never have provoked him, but with my emotions I can beat them all without a problem.

"Alright beautiful, I'll fight you, but don't cry afterwards." He got away from his team and climbed into the ring.

"Someone should be the judge." I said before we settled in the middle.

"Three, two, one.. now!" His friend shouted and the man I was fighting immediately swung his hand, but of course, I expected him to do that, so I surprised him with a punch in the stomach. He was no longer amused by this when he got hit. Everyone outside the ring started cheering and standing on the fence. I went at him but he swung his hand and hit me straight in the face. I immediately fell to the floor, but quickly got up.

"Hit a little harder you pussy." I started provoking him, and he looked at me angrily.

"And as far as I heard from your colleagues, you didn't manage to save your friend from another Lombardi demon. We know there are three of them, but after the oldest comes the youngest who is the most similar to him." I looked at him as if I was going to kill him. He expected a reaction from me and that I get angry, but he is not aware of what he has done now, and that nobody talks about my friend like she died, and not left for Italy.

"You bastard!" I shouted and swung my left hand at his head and immediately hit his head again with my right hand. He lost his balance and fell to his knees, I took the opportunity and grabbed his head with my hands and hit him with my knee. Blood started to flow because I must have broken his nose. I started to hit him with my legs but he did not move. The yelling and commotion that was around us all the time disappeared and everyone was looking at the two of us. He didn't get up, and the man who was judging said it was over. I came to a man lying on the floor covered in blood.

"I'm sorry, i lost control." I held out my hand to him, but he surprised me and pulled me to the floor. He sat on me and started hitting me with his fists. I think I look very bad now, and black dots have started to appear. The guys who were behind the fence jumped into the ring and quickly took him off me.

"Shawn, you're out of your mind. I said it's over. Accept that you lost. Look what you did to her, Don will be very angry when he sees her in this state." His friend told him.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!?" From afar, I saw Adriano and Marcus entering the gym. The man who was beating me a few minutes ago was now looking at me with fear in his eyes. I need to save him or Adeiano will kill him.

"Take off your shirt, quick."

I whispered quietly to him, and he immediately obeyed me and took it off him. I took it in my hands and immediately wiped my face where I felt blood.

I got up from the floor and approached the fence.

"Nothing is happening, as you can see, we are training." I told him and I went to Shawn, if I heard correctly that is his name.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. Although I hit him several times and he provoked me, I'm not angry anymore and I feel much better now.

"That's what I should be asking you, I'm sorry for attacking you like that." He answered me and apologized to me, which I am happy for that. Now Adriano entered the ring together with Marcus. He came to the two of us and I didn't manage to answer him, but I stood next to him and watched Adriano's face.

"Alexandra, baby, get out of the ring, I'll talk to you later." Everyone looked shocked and surprised when he called me that nickname. Shawn froze in place when he heard that, he turned pale and I think his legs started to buckle.

"You can't tell me what to do, I'll stay here because Shawn and I haven't finished our conversation yet, which doesn't concern you." He clenched his jaw tightly, but soon stopped and just smiled wickedly.

"Marcus, take care of all this, I need to talk to Alex." He said that in front of everyone, I think Shawn and I are now pale together. He took off the gloves that were on my hands and unwrapped the tapes that were wrapped around my wrist and fingers. He grabbed my hand and connected our fingers.

"I forgot to say one more very important thing that I want you all to remember. Alexandra is my girlfriend, and only I can fight with her. I don't even want you to think that these kinds of things and fights happen without my knowledge, and don't even look at her the wrong way because otherwise you will fight with me every day in this ring, and I know you don't want that." He turned to me and we first left the ring and then the gym. I hope nothing happens to Shawn.

I'm his girlfriend and I'm very happy because he sad that in front of everyone.

"What are you going to do with him, it's not his fault, I invited him to fight, even at the beginning he didn't want to fight with me until I started challenging him. Adriano you can't harm him." He continued to be silent until we reached his room. I don't know why he always takes me to his room and not to mine.

We entered his bathroom and he pushed me towards the mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror and just closed my eyes. Second that passed when I looked at myself in the mirror was enough to see what I looked like. I have a purple eye, a bruise on my cheek, a bloody nose, and my lip is cracked and bloody. My face is covered in blood all over because I smeared everything with Shawn's shirt, I made it worse than it was.

"Do you now see why I reacted like that?"

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