This was a bad idea

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The library was closed until morning, but Todoroki didn't want to just sit there doing nothing. Not when the assassin might be after Jouno. Todoroki was determined to find his twin brother in time. "So, we're basically doing what the girls are doing?" Bakugo asked grumpily. "We're just walking around, looking for someone to help us find Jouno." Yeah, pretty much. "Don't be so grumpy, Bakugo." Deku said. "I'm sure there'll be someone who can help us." "Excuse me, young men?" A kind sounding female voice came from behind them. "Are you three lost?"

Todoroki turned around. Standing behind him was a tall woman with pink hair and a matching kimono. She had long, fancy earrings, and a parasol. Deciding she was friendly looking, Deku waved. Bakugo punched him in the shoulder. "You three don't look like you're from around here." Did they really stand out that much?

"We're not." Todoroki said. "We're visiting a relative." That was technically true. "I guess that makes you three quirks users, right?" The woman asked. She was sharp. "Yep." Deku said. "That would be us." The woman smiled. "I knew a few quirk users back in my day." Huh. From what Todoroki was taught, the ability users of Yokohama didn't interact much with quirk users, and when they did, they often clashed. But this lady, who was being nice and helping them, had apparently met some quirk users in the past. Todoroki would be curious about what the story was there.

"Have you ever met someone named Jouno?" Todoroki asked hopefully. The woman shook her head. "Sadly, I have not." She said. "Is this the relative of yours that you're looking for?" Todoroki nodded. "My twin brother. We were separated at birth, and I have reason to believe he's in danger." The woman frowned. "Well, that's terrible." She said. "Some people are dealt such a difficult hand in life."

The woman seemed to be deep in thought. "How old are you?" She asked; a seemingly random question. "Sixteen." Todoroki and Deku said at the same time. The woman smiled. "So, do you know Aizawa?" She asked. Todoroki was taken by surprise. "Yeah, he's our teacher." He said. "You know him?" The woman nodded. "We met on a job once." She said. Now Todoroki really wanted the story. He'd never heard of an ability user helping a quirk user in a battle before.

"What's your name?" Todoroki asked. It was possible he'd heard of her. "Kouyo." She said. "Kouyo Ozaki." It was a name that carried a certain amount of gravitas, but Todoroki had never heard of her before. "Might I ask what you three are doing?" Kouyo asked. "We're waiting for the library to open." Todoroki said. "We're going to search the archives for any news about Jouno."

Kouyo smiled warmly. "It doesn't open until the morning." She said. "It's a cold night for you three to be out there alone. Why don't you come back to my apartment for a cup of tea?" That sounded like a good idea to Todoroki. Deku smiled brightly. Bakugo frowned. "Guys, remember we're in Yokohama." Deku shook his head. "Bakugo, don't always see the bad parts of life. She's a kind woman who's offering us tea. What could possibly go wrong?"


Well, as it turned out, Kouyo could invite them back for tea, poison them, and let them wake up in her basement. "You guys!" Bakugo exclaimed as he came to. "I told you so!" Todoroki cursed aloud. They needed to be looking for Jouno, not stuck in Kouyo's basement. "I really am sorry for your predicament." Kouyo's voice said, once kind and now cold. "But my grudge against your teacher runs far deeper than my sympathy for you." With that, Kouyo turned on her heel and left. "Well." Deku said. "That could have gone better." Todoroki rolled his eyes. Understatement of the century. It was all he could do to hope that the girls were having more luck then he was.

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